  • 學位論文


The Utilization Review of Current Taichung Railway Station

指導教授 : 李琦華


臺灣有許多在未完工的狀態下便開放的公共空間案例,無論是國家歌劇院或是大里的軟體園區,都因此受到許多抨擊。但車站屬於公共運輸空間,每日有成千上萬的使用者需要仰賴車站的運輸功能,即使內部在進行改建工程,也無法停止營運,在這樣的前提下,要如何維持並提供舒適的空間品質,是本研究欲探討之重點之一。   隨著時代的進步和人口的擴增,日治時期所建的車站逐漸不敷使用,行政院在民國94年推動「臺鐵捷運化」的政策,希望透過鐵路的高架化(或地下化),能改善因為平面式鐵路而發展不均的城市,也提供人民更便利的使用。臺中火車站也因應此政策在2016年10月16日啟用高架化,因此本研究以臺中火車站為研究對象,希望透過觀察其新舊站共存之現象,與使用者之行為模式,能發現在這樣臨時性的空間狀態中的缺失,並提供未來同樣面臨設計建議。   本研究以環境行為學之觀察,在現場進行拍攝與紀錄,歸納出火車站之空間現況與使用者行為模式,再輔以問卷調查,了解使用者對於車站的「安全」、「輕鬆」、「舒適」和「滿意」四個層面之感受。並針對問卷進一步做性別的交叉比對分析,希望能由問卷分析中了解男性與女性對於車站這樣的公共空間,在使用上或感受上的差異。   由實際觀察及問卷分析的結果可發現多數使用者仍習慣由臺中火車站的舊站體進出,但施工期間未妥善規劃,導致使用者對於舊站周邊環境的負面觀感增加,也不願意在此停留;而新站由於出口意向不明確且指標標示不清,造成使用上效率的低落。另外使用者在尺度較大的空間裡,對指標的依賴性較高;更明確的空間規劃及有方向性的指標能提升空間中的辨識性。在性別差異中發現,女性對於有功能性的空間及設備的需求比例較男性高。最後針對結論,分別提出關於空間配置、使用者行為以及性別差異上的具體建議。


The cases of opening the public space before the construction being completed are not few, such as National Taichung Theater and the software park in Tali, and hence followed by a lot of attacks. Nonetheless, as for a station, since it belongs to the space for public transportation and every day thousands of people thronged for commuting, the operation therefore cannot stopped even when there’s the renovation undergoing. One of the focuses in this study is to explore in the case of a station, how would it keep and offer a space with quality.  To cope with the progress of times and the expansion of population, the Executive Yuan has promoted the policy of “TRA Rapid Transit Systematize in Metropolitan Area” in 2005, expecting to resolve the insufficient number of train stations established in Japanese colonial period and through the elevation (or underground) to improve the development gap between cities due to the on-road railway system. To respond accordingly to the policy, Taichung elevated railway has opened in Oct. 16, 2016. This study takes Taichung train station as the subject, observes the co-existence of old and new stations as well as the user behavior pattern, in order to find out the drawbacks in such a temporary space but also provide recommendations for the same design in the future.  This study applies the observing skills of environmental behavior to shoot and record in the field, and then summarize the current situation of using the space in railway station and user behavior pattern. The study is also supplemented by questionnaire survey to realize how users find the station in terms of “safety”, “easy”, “comfort”, and “satisfaction”. The survey has further been cross analyzed by gender, in the hope of knowing the differences between male and female in terms of using and feeling such a public space like station.  According to the results of the actual observation and questionnaire analysis, it is found that most users still get used to get in and out of the station via old building. Nonetheless, because of the incomprehensive planning during the construction, the users feel negatively to the surroundings of the old station and therefore would not like to stay here for too long. On the other hand, because the exit and sign directions are not clear in the new station, the effectiveness of usage is low. In addition, since the users rely more on the direction sign in a larger space, a more specific space planning and clear direction signs would help improve the identification in space. It is observed in the gender difference that the demand from female for functional space and equipment is higher than male. Finally, the specific recommendations regarding space allocation, user behavior, and gender difference respectively have been made in the conclusion.


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