  • 學位論文


A Study of Illustration about "The Oceanic Eco Park"- Guishan Island Taiwan

指導教授 : 高惠瓊


摘 要 人類生活因科技的進步,得到前所未有的便利性,其中交通與通訊速度的改善,使得人與人之間的距離,已臻天涯若比鄰的關係。也因此讓人意識到地球村時代的來臨。而面對這樣前所未有的競爭,凸顯在地性的特質,成為各個國家或區域的新挑戰,培植雄厚的文化創意產業,變成衡量國力的新指標。然而,當人積極地追求物質的豐富性,同時也對我們僅有的地球生態進行無知的破壞,而今已危及我們自己的生存。因此,「生態、保育、永續發展」,是我們每個人無法推委的責任。 有鑑於上項因素與個人任職幼教美術老師的背景,2009年時逢報章披露龜山島海底火山噴口怪方蟹密度為全世界之最,引起個人的好奇,進而多方搜尋有關訊息而深受感動,但也因此發現該區域之報導,大多屬於專業研究,而專題性圖像資料甚少,基於社會教育與推展觀光的立場,是故決定以童趣性插畫形式描述台灣唯一的活火山¬–龜山島,並以「海上生態公園」為創作主題,期待所得結果能積極參與公私立機構之相關性展演活動或文宣出版。一則宣達生態保育觀念,推展在地性的觀光資源;再則自我訓練對文獻分析與視覺化的敏感度,以及提升畫面構成的成熟度。 透過文獻,和親自登島紀錄,以及與當地耆老、觀光業者的訪問資料分析,從中萃取視覺元素,彙整為「龜山島人文與環境意象」、「龜山島傳說」、「龜山島俚語」、「龜山島海洋生態」、「龜山島陸上生態」五大主題系列,藉過去的繪畫基礎,進行構圖、造形、色彩等創作研究,經過長時間的內化與創作修正,得到相當豐碩的成果: 一、 透過資料蒐集與田野調查,創作者驚艷於龜山島自然生態和人文發展的豐富與多元性,更感動於產、官、學,以及在地漁民對生態保育的努力,這種同心戮力的熱忱,著實令人敬佩,也成為本創作的泉源。 二、 本創作之風格形式,就社教推展立場,是以符合一般群眾兒時共同繪畫樣式之經歷,選擇天真童趣,無速度感的線條與造形,以及簡單易懂、平鋪直述的方式,希望更能親近人群。並依據視覺傳達原理及美的形式原則,從龜山島生態公園之各個面向,抽取圖像資料,運用視覺構成之形、色元素,藉不同構圖之經營,產生系列差異,並加入創作者內化作用,藉此表現樸實無華,未經人工渲染的龜山島。 三、 透過個人展演過程與群眾互動,得知作品內容就一般群眾各年齡層均能理解,且許多人願意與作者深入探討,就社教之展演已確實達到主題宣達的功能。另外,專業設計的觀眾,則就作品風格形式多所交流,對個人創作助益良多。 四、 在田野調查與創作過程中,曾多次接觸當地相關之政府與私人機構尋求展出機會,於創作完成之階段,十分榮幸地能獲得宜蘭縣政府縣史館之邀約,配合「宜蘭研究第10屆學術研討會–生態與環境變遷」及「宜蘭環境與生態變遷–雙連埤環境發展史」特展,於宜蘭縣史館地下一樓展出,展期預計自民國101年10月6日至102年3月25日。另外尚有其他形式展演活動之接洽,這種積極效益,正符合本創作計劃之初衷。 五、 創作反思與建議: (一) 對於本創作能獲宜蘭縣史館的邀約展出,除了對相關主辦單位的感激,個人深受感動與鼓勵。因此各級政府觀光與文化相關部門若能多提供新人創作展演以及協助出版,或結合在地產業開發商品與形象包裝的機會,將可強化產、官、學之聯繫,有利台灣文創與觀光產業之發展。 (二) 透過本創作經歷,個人迫切地感受到深化文化質素的涵養,才是提升作品水平的最重要關鍵,對日後個人教學與創作,將產生莫大的影響。因此建議各級學校鼓勵學生養成閱讀書報習慣,並應用更活潑的教學形式,擴張學習領域,落實文化藝術的教學。厚植國人創造能力並藉此提升台灣的國際競爭力。


龜山島 生態旅遊 社會教育 插畫


Abstract By the development of technologies, human life in nowadays becomes the most convenient like no other era before. However, as the latest technologies in transportation and communication have made our world literally a “global village”¸ they also have caused more competitions between countries and areas. In this circumstance, the means to preserve local characteristic and originality and enhance local cultural creativity have become the new challenge for each and every country on earth. However, while everyone was pursuing better material life, the environmental devastation caused accordingly was usually ignored, and the situation became so serious that might even endanger human survival. Therefore, how to balance the development for human needs and the protection of ecology is the most important task for each one of us who live on earth. As a teacher of children art, I tried to combine the subjects of local characteristic and ecology protection, and while studying, I was attracted by a news column which introduced the unique eco environment under the sea of Guishan Island area in Taiwan, which contains under-sea volcanic geological environment, and the highest density of population of Xenograpsus testudinatus, an unique kind of Crab inhabit near the under-sea volcano. I was obsessed by the originality of Guishan Island environment while collecting the information about it, but I also found that most of the studies about Guishan Island were for scientific purpose instead of educational and touring promotional purpose. Therefore, I decided to create a series of illustration works to help introduce and promote this special "Oceanic Eco Park" in my country, Taiwan. Moreover, by field study and the process of creating illustration works, I expect myself to refine my skill to present a more knowledgeable and more sensitive visual effect. After a research trip to Guishan Island with interviews with local celebrities and elderly, the tones of this series was set in five major categories: “Cultural and Environmental Images of Guishan Island”; “Tells and Legends of Guishan Island”; “Slangs about Guishan Island”; “Oceanic Ecology of Guishan Island”; and “On-land Ecology of Guishan Island.” The elements of this illustration creation were based on local documents, and the presentation was based on my pass training as an art worker and educator. After self-digestion and refining process, the efforts were paid off in several ways: 1. The creation of this series of illustration was deeply influenced by sensation perceived on the site of Guishan Island, and the spirit of the local people I contact with while doing field study in Guishan Island area. Those are truly inspiration of my works. 2. The goal of this illustration series is to achieve social educational function, and to be accepted by the widest range of demographics. Accordingly, a kind of innocent style with calmed form and line has been adapted in the series to create blunt and audience-friendly atmosphere. Based on the theories of beauty and visual communication, and by manipulating and constructing different elements, I engaged in self-discussion, and combined sensational impulse with rational judgment in my works to present the natural and undeveloped atmosphere of Guishan Island. 3. Through the interaction with audiences in my personal art exhibition, I was glad to know that most people across different age demographics could understand about the meanings I tried to convey through the series, and they got the intentions to discuss and explore more knowledge about Guishan Island. Therefore, it is proved that the exhibition has achieved its social educational function. On the other hand, I also had discussions in art form and styles with audiences with design professions, and learned a lot from them. 4. While engaging in field study and the process of creating illustration works, I contacted with several government and private organization in Yilan and was looking for opportunities to exhibit my illustrations in public. The efforts was finally paid off, and I was invited by The Institute of Yilan County History to exhibit my illustrations in special events of “The Tenth Academic Forum of Yilan Study- The Changes of Ecology and Environments,” and “The Changes of Ecology and Environments in Yilan- The Development History of Shuan-Lien-Pi”. My illustration will be exhibited in B1 level of The Institute of Yilan County History, and the period will be from October 6th, 2012 to March 25th, 2013. Being able to exhibit my illustrations in such an event which is full of social educational meaning is exactly the purpose of my creation. 5. Feedback and suggestion of the creation. A. I was deeply moved and encouraged by the invitation of The Institute of Yilan County History to join their events. I believe that this kind of cooperation can be expended to develop local style merchandises or packages, and the combination of business, government, and academic organizations efforts can be a great force to develop the cultural invention and touring industries. B. A great expectation was set for the achievement of this presentation of my illustration works: to raise more attention and awareness of local value and ecology protection. I sincerely hope my illustration works can help to enhance the cultural art ability, and transform the means of cultural art education in schools. In this way, I believe we can be more competitive in global market in innovation.


