  • 學位論文


A Study on Applying Interactive Technology to Promote Proper Tooth Brushing

指導教授 : 徐豐明


據世界衛生組織的統計,我國12歲兒童齲齒指數(DMFT)高於世界衛生組織WHO 2010年訂定口腔健康少於2顆的目標。DMFT指數雖由2000年3.31顆,降低至2012年2.5顆,但在亞太區域中仍算非常高的數值,國人的齲齒問題不容輕忽。正確的刷牙方式可以清除口腔中的牙菌斑,良好的潔牙習慣可以保持口腔健康。而在多種刷牙方法中,國內各牙醫學會與牙醫公會,以及台灣教育部皆以「貝氏刷牙法」作為主要的刷牙方式。本研究以「貝氏刷牙法」刷牙步驟為教學標準,互動科技為構想,結合相關感應設備與Arduino的應用,提升刷牙步驟的正確性。 本研究實驗主要分成兩個部份,在網路發佈和實驗室分開進行。在第一階段實驗發現,曾接觸「貝氏刷牙法」並使用此方法完成潔牙者極為少數。但在經過相關的刷牙教學,受測者群體是會願意使用教學的方法來完成日後刷牙。故在實驗的第二階段使用本研究設計的互動方式教學「貝氏刷牙法」刷牙步驟,比較一般圖文教學,來實驗兩者之間的差異。第二階段結果,經由本系統的刷牙教學,正確刷牙步驟的學習成效顯著優於一般網路圖文教學,系統在易用性評估方面獲得83.5分,可視本系統為一個易用性頗高的「貝氏刷牙法」學習方法。


Oral health is an important issue in modern human health. DMFT (Decayed, Missing, and Filled Teeth) is one of the most common index for assessing oral health in dental clinic. According to WHO (World Health Organization) statistics, the DMFT index of 12-year-old children should be less than 2. However, in Taiwan, the index is 2.5 in 2012. Although it is better than 3.31, the index in 2000. It is still relatively high in the Asia-Pacific region. Taiwan government is quite concerned with the public education of the dental health care. A fundamental issue is about how to remove plaque in the mouth to maintain oral health. A basic approach is educating people on brushing teeth with correct steps. Taiwan government education authority and the domestic dental association have adopted the "Bass method" as the main method of brushing teeth for promotion. In this study, we use Arduino and ADXL-345 sensor and apply interactive technology to construct a CAI (Computer-Assisted Instruction) application to enhance the establishment of people’s good habit of teeth brushing steps of the Bass method. To evaluate the CAI application of his study, we conducted experiment with two phases of test via Internet and laboratory relatively. In the first phase of the experiment, we did a survey on the Internet through questionnaire and tests. We found that only few people use the method in daily tooth brushing and many people did not know the "Bass method". However, after this experiment, many people showed willingness to adopt the method to brush teeth in the future. In the second phase of the experiment, we used the interactive CAI application system we built to do the test. Two groups of people were recruited to be instructed by our system and traditional graphic-illustrated method with pictures and words. We found that the group using our method gained higher score in the test of using Bass method. We also used the SUS (System Usability Scale) to do usability study. The result showed that people who used our system have an average of 83.5 points. The results also reflected a satisfactory performance in using our system to learn Bass method.


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