  • 學位論文


Reversible Data Hiding Based on Multi-Dimension Difference-Histogram and Bilinear Interpolation

指導教授 : 吳憲珠 黃慧鳳


可逆式資訊隱藏是在原始影像中嵌入機密資訊成為偽裝影像,在肉眼上難以分別,得以躲避不法第三方的注意,使機密資訊安全送達,直方圖位移技術就是其中一個方式,將原始影像的像素值統計成為直方圖,透過修改峰值點上的像素嵌入機密資訊。 本碩士論文首先考慮每對鄰近像素x, y,以x, y周圍的四個像素,進行雙線性內插法預測得到預測值,再以鄰近像素對和預測值相減所得之差建立一個三維座標,並使用此三維座標的其中六個象限中的像素進行秘密資訊的隱藏:符合條件的指定的面上的像素用於嵌入機密資訊、其餘的空間中的像素用於位移。由於使用了更多的嵌入條件,得到更高的機密資訊藏量。


Reversible data hiding is to embed the secret into the cover image to become a stego image. It is difficult to separate by the naked eye, therefore avoid the attention of unscrupulous third parties, and deliver secret information safely. Histogram shifting is one of the ways. The method calculates the pixel value of the cover image into a histogram, and embeds the secret by modifying the pixels on the peak point. This thesis first considers each pair of neighboring pixels x and y to predict the predicted value by bilinear interpolation with four pixels around x and y, and then establishes a three-dimensional coordinate by the difference between the neighboring pixel pair and the predicted value. And use pixels of these three-dimensional coordinates: pixels on the specified surface are used for embedding the secret, and the pixels in the extending space surrounded the surfaces are used for shifting. By using more embedded conditions, a higher embedding capacity (EC) is obtained.


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