  • 學位論文


Creation on the Feedback and Special Effect of Interface Design of Mobile Game《Qiao-Yue Transmigration》

指導教授 : 王兆華


在現今科技日新月異的時代,智慧型手機與現代人已有著密不可分的關係,遊戲的產業也逐漸從傳統的大型、掌上型機台轉型到手機平台上,且透過遊戲包裝來幫助學習已是未來的趨勢。故本研究以創作一款富有臺灣文化的「3D動作街機遊戲」,以台灣農曆七月的民間習俗與鬼故事作為創作主軸,讓玩家可以透過遊戲體驗來了解台灣傳統的民俗文化。遊戲名稱為《巧月的輪迴》,巧月代表台灣農曆的七月或稱鬼月,遊戲風格以可愛卡通風格呈現。並於創作過程中透過勇者跑跳碰、Temple Run、Sonic Dash之手機遊戲案例分析其介面與特效製作的要點、遊戲架構、遊戲元素、遊戲機制,以此作為創作的基準。 本研究主要為探討手機街機遊戲開發時的設計要素,並歸納開發手機街機遊戲時的介面基本原理、遊戲特效原理、建立雛型、遊戲元素,本研究結果可供為未來資訊或文創相關開發人員,在開發融入台灣文化手機街機遊戲時的參考。


手機遊戲 使用者介面 特效


Today, the smartphone has become a necessary object in our daily life. The industry of game has changed, from a traditional platform like Handheld, Arcade to smartphone platform. Also, learning through the game is a future trend. Because of that, this study focused on developing a 3D action game with Taiwan traditional culture. The topic is the seventh month of the lunar calendar's folk customs and stories of a ghost. Let the player can learn Taiwan traditional culture by playing the game. The name of the game is 《Qiao-Yue Transmigration》,and Qiao month is represent the seventh month of the lunar calendar or ghost month. The style of the game used cute cartoon way to display. And we analyzed smartphone games of Run Jump, Temple Run and Sonic Dash's interface, effects, elements, prototypes design to build principles of design smartphone game. The goal of this study is to explore the elements of developing smartphone game, and summary the design principles of smartphone game such like game's interface, game's effects, game's element, prototypes design. The contribution of the study is providing a bright way for those people who want to make a 3D action smartphone game with Taiwan traditional culture.


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