  • 學位論文


Study on improvement strategies of indoor air quality in domestic kitchen.

指導教授 : 李孟杰


台灣居家廚房在烹調過程產生的污染物,如熱氣、水氣、濕氣、臭氣,一直被視為影響室內空氣品質的重要因子。污染源來自於中式料理煎、煮、炒、炸的高溫烹調過程,產生的化學性與物理性污染物。由於廚房空間的進氣量不足,導致排油煙機無法等效排出污染物,造成廚房空間內的空氣品質不佳,甚至影響相鄰室內空間的空氣品質。 本研究針對烹調過程的影響條件加以控制(廚師、食材),隨機抽樣30戶居家廚房,針對「空間環境」進行空氣污染物濃度量測與重點接觸面採樣,包括空氣溫度(T)、相對濕度(RH)、空氣中的懸浮微粒(PM2.5)、一氧化碳(CO)、二氧化碳(CO2)、總揮發性有機物(TVOC)以及總菌落數(CFU/ml)等;同時量測空間開口尺寸與空間體積,換算對室內相鄰空間之開口比例(OR),因而將住宅廚房依開放程度分為全開放(OR>50%)、半開放(50%≥OR>20%)、低開放(OR≤20%),並探討三種開口型式廚房,其烹飪前後之污染濃度變化與擴散至相鄰室內空間狀態。 研究結果顯示,全開放式廚房,烹飪後污染物排除效益最高,但污染物易擴散至相鄰空間;其次為半開放式廚房,因進風量不足導致污染物排除受限;而低開放式廚房,受到通風路徑不佳加上進風量不足所影響,導致污染物易蓄積於空氣滯留區中。因此廚房規劃設計上,在烹飪的過程中,若能使廚房空間成為微負壓,或是鄰近空間成微正壓,則能減少污染擴散濃度;此外,進風出風比例亦為影響關鍵,尤其是在低開放式廚房的空間中。經計算流體力學(CFD)模擬後,進出風比例以1.3:1-1.5:1為佳,讓相鄰空間成為正壓空間,則能控制廚房烹飪時的污染物擴散,此結果可作為廚房空間設計上之參考。


In Taiwan, cooking-generated pollutants such as heat, steam, vapor, and odor have been recognized as factors that greatly affect indoor air quality; the high heat involved in Chinese cooking is the source of various chemical and physical pollutants. Limited air inflow in the kitchen can render cooker hoods ineffective in extracting pollutants at the rated speed. Kitchen air quality is affected as a result, and it can even affect the air quality of adjacent rooms. In this study, cooking-related factors (the cook and food) were controlled for to investigate the space environment. Air pollutant concentration was measured and key contact surfaces were sampled in 30 household kitchens, which were randomly chosen, to determine the levels of various parameters, including air temperature, relative humidity, PM2.5, CO, CO2, TVOC, and total bacterial count (CFU/ml). The size of kitchen opening and the size of kitchen space were also measured to determine a kitchen’s opening ratio (OR) relative to the adjacent indoor space. Accordingly, the kitchens were divided into three categories, namely full-open (OR>50%), semi-open (50%≥OR>20%), and low-open (OR≤20%), to determine the changes in pollutant concentrations before and after cooking and the diffusion of pollutants to the adjacent indoor space. The results indicated that full-open kitchens had the highest efficiency in after-cooking pollutant expulsion, but they also had the highest tendency of allowing pollutants to spread to the adjacent indoor space. Semi-open kitchens had the second-highest performance in after-cooking pollutant expulsion, which was hindered by insufficient air inflow. Low-open kitchens were compromised by both inadequate circulation route and insufficient air inflow, resulting in pollutants accumulating in areas where air was entrapped. Therefore, kitchen design should pay attention to create a slight negative room pressure in the kitchen or a slight positive room pressure in the adjacent indoor space to diminish pollutant diffusion. The ratio of air inflow to outflow has also been recognized as key factor, particularly for low-open kitchens. Computational fluid dynamics simulation suggested that the ideal ratio should range between 1.3:1 and 1.5:1 to create a positive room pressure in the adjacent indoor space, thereby reducing after-cooking pollutant diffusion. This should serve as a reference for kitchen interior design.


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