  • 學位論文


A Study for the Appropriateness of Tung Blossom Symbol to be the most Typical Symbol as Hakka Image

指導教授 : 卓聖格


臺灣在解除戒嚴之後,傳統大中國思想式微,相對的族群意識抬頭,過去長期隱形化的客家族群開始倍受重視,客家文化儼然成為當紅的文化之一。尤其是近十年來,客家桐花祭大力推廣的關係,不僅成為客家文化最具代表性的活動之一,也是最重要的活動之一。桐花圖像與客家意象之間搭起了一座橋樑,甚至已經形成一股看到「桐花」就聯想到「客家文化」的現象,桐花圖像儼然成為現代客家意象最具代表性的視覺圖像之一。然而此種現象引起部分疑慮,桐花真的是客家的嗎?另一說桐樹是日治時期的重要象徵,也有擔心只是政治立場的因素,奠基於此,桐花圖像是否適合繼續擔當客家意象最具代表性的視覺圖像之一,是有必要更進一步探討其適切性。   本研究透過地緣的比對,發現桐花景點與客家族群主要分布地區的重疊程度高,然而就將兩者畫上等號,說服力稍嫌是不足的。客家桐花祭巧妙將桐花與客家文化再度連繫,深化桐花與客家文化的聯想程度,加上開拓桐花商品的影響,推升桐花圖像在客家意象視覺圖像的地位。根據桐花圖像與客家意象的契合度評析,桐花不論在造形、色彩、花語、生長特性、未受注目等特性,皆與客家族群的特質相符,代表桐花有成為客家族群精神象徵的潛力,做為代表客家意象視覺圖像之用,是十分適切的,且桐花圖像在設計應用彈性大,早已遍及設計各個領域,作品皆能適切地傳遞美好的客家意象。在設計應用時應注意,掌握桐花圖像的基本造形結構,比色彩運用更能減少桐花圖像辨識度降低的情況發生。   研究結果顯示,桐花圖像目前的優點及地位,是尚難被其他同具客家意象的視覺圖像取代。在短期的發展下,桐花圖像仍是代表客家意象最適切的一個圖像選擇;長期發展而論,適時發揮不同客家意象視覺圖像的特色與功能,避免桐花圖像阻礙其他具特色的客家意象視覺圖像發揮的空間,才是發展客家意象視覺圖像的長遠之計。桐花傳遞客家族群的形象,創造客家文化的魅力,且產生有效的客家意象連結與影響力。在這些連結的背後,回歸至客家文化的本質,豐富的客家傳統及語言的傳承,更為重要。


When Taiwan has declared martial law, the traditional ideology declined. It has been a long time that Hakka ethnic is stealth, Hakka culture becomes popular. In the passed ten years, Hakka Tung Blossom Festival becomes one of the most typical activities and one of important activities. It has created a phenomenon sucessfully that seeing the Tung Blossom is just like Hakka culture. Tung Blossom symbol has became one of the most typical symbol as Hakka image. However, there still has much doubts. Is the Tung Blossom belong to Hakka ethnic? It is the most typical symbol of Japanese ruled period, or it is just the reason of political stance. According to these reasons, is the Tung Blossom still suitable to be one of the most typical visual symbol? It is necessary to discuss the appropriateness of Tung Blossom. According to the match on geographic, the overlapping degree of Tung Blossom and Hakka ethnic in region is high, but it is not enough. The restart connection by Hakka Tung Blossom Festival, it has deepen the association of Tung Blossom and Hakka culture. The development of Tung Blossom product has upgrated the standing of Tung Blossom symbol in Hakka image symbols. Using the viewpoint of logo and symbol design to discuss the matched between Tung Blossom and Hakka image. In color, florid, growth characteristics, not high-profile, Tung Blossom is well matched with Hakka image. The expression of Tung Blossom on the Hakka Image designs, we can find that Tung Blossom symbol has used on every design region, and is very appropriateness to convey the wonderful Hakka image. To know the basic design modeling of Tung Blossom symbol is the way to reduce the confusion of Tung Blossom symbol. The results show Tung Blossom symbol's standing is hard to be replaced by other Hakka visual symbols. In the short-term development, Tung Blossom symbol is still the suitable symbol as Halla image. But in the long-term development, it should to avoid Tung Blossom hindering the devolopment of other Hakka visual symbols. Tung Blossom is passing the image of Hakka ethnic, creating the charming of Hakka culture and the link of Hakka image. The most important thing behind these links is returning to the nature of Hakka culture, the rich heritage of traditional and the Hakka language is more important.




Tang, C. H. (2017). 桃園市立大溪木藝生態博物館形象視覺系統建置設計 [master's thesis, Chung Yuan Christian University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201700185
