  • 學位論文


Modularized e-commerce system - The Cases of the online shopping and computer aided picking system

指導教授 : 張家瑋


模組化設計(Modular Design)[4]是將一個複雜的大系統細分為許多的小系統,而這些小系統又可以稱為單元、模組或模塊,而這些小系統能夠在獨立的運行也能在不同的系統中被建立使用,而這些小系統的特色通常都是具有重覆性的,在當下電子商務系統的設計來說,通常會使用不同的系統架構或程式語言以進行系統建置,在不同架構的系統間,通常難以相互的進行功能的擴充或是相互的數據傳遞,這與模組化開發的精神與實踐,有明顯的差異。 在電子商務業者處理出貨的訂單過程中,揀貨是相當重要的一個環節,在沒有電子輔助的幫助下,需要以人工的方式逐一對貨架上的商品進行揀選,這個過程是相當耗費時間與精力的。 本研究之主要目的,在於解決上述的問題,旨在建構用於電子商務的模組化系統設計,用於確保各個模組可以相互傳遞數據,並且提升系統的可擴充性,本研究實作響應式網頁設計之購物網站與電子輔助揀貨系統,能讓使用者可以快速的建立自己的跨平台購物網站,並且可以對其擴充如電子輔助揀貨系統等電子商務相關模組,從而提高電子商務系統的實用性與可擴充性,並透過物聯網的感測技術達到更加智慧化的出貨流程。


Modular design divides a system into many small units, called mod-ules or blocks, built and used independently in different systems, the current e-commerce systems use different systems' architectures and versions for system building or independent e-commerce platforms. Due to the differences in each platform's architecture or data openness, users are limited to collect data and expand functions when they want to collect, analyze, and integrate the orders on various platforms. In the process of e-commerce processing the delivery of orders, picking is a very important knot. Without the help of electronic assistance, it is necessary to select the items on the display one by one in their own way. This process takes time and time. Consumed. The primary purpose of this research is to solve the problems mentioned above. The modular system design of e-commerce is used to transfer data to each other and improve the system's scalability. This research intends to implement a RWD web-designed shopping website and an electronic-assisted picking system that quickly allows users to build their cross-platform shopping websites. They can expand e-commerce related modules such as the electronically assisted picking system, thereby improving the e-commerce system's practicability and scalability, And through the sensing technology of the Internet of Things to achieve more intelligent supplementary processes.


[1] 今年電子購物業營收可望再創新猷。https://www.moea.gov.tw/MNS/populace/news/News.aspx?kind=1 menu_id=40 news_id=86046
[2] 經濟部零售業上架電商服務推動計畫。http://servicesupport.tw/retail/zh-tw/。
[3] B2C電子商務網站廣告文案之績效研究 - 以某購物網站為例。https://hdl.handle.net/11296/59pnp7
[4] 維基百科(2019),模組化設計。https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%A8%A1%E7%B5%84%E5%8C%96%E8%A8%AD%E8%A8%88。
[5] 張宇華(2003),模組化知識管理系統之建構,樹德科技大學資訊管理研究所論文。
