  • 學位論文


Applications of Transmission Rate Using Fuzzy Logical Control in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks

指導教授 : 陳永隆


無線多媒體感測器網路(Wireless multimedia sensor network, WMSN)是無線感測器網路(Wireless sensor networks, WSNs)的延伸應用並且在取得與處理多媒體訊號有良好的效能。WMSNs由於封包傳輸量較大而導致網路擁塞(congestion)的現象不止會造成讓資料封包(packet)遺失也會導致過多的電量消耗。因此,為了改善WMSNs傳輸效能與減少延遲時間(delay)需要調整傳輸速率控制網路擁塞。WMSNs有不同類型的感測器節點去收集不同種類的資料,在WMSNs的應用中需要提供可靠與公平的傳輸協定以符合不同型態資料之服務品質(quality of service ,QoS)的要求。在先前的研究中,在WMSNs下以傳輸優先權為基礎速率控制演算法(priority-based rate control, PBRC),利用指數加權(exponential weighted, EW)演算法在不同資料型態調整傳輸速率達成擁塞控制的目的,但EW演算法權重參數是固定的,當傳輸資料變化量大時會使實際之傳輸速率與估測傳輸速率誤差大。在本文中我們提出兩種演算法以模糊邏輯控制器(fuzzy logical controller, FLC)估測sink節點傳輸速率,第一種方法我們使用FLC結合EW演算法選擇適當的權重參數得到最佳傳輸速率,接著依照每個子節點的優先權分配其傳輸速率。進一步,我們使用增量型FLC估測下一個時間的sink節點傳輸速率。模擬結果顯示我們提出的兩種演算法比PBRC有較佳的傳輸速率,達到降低傳輸延遲和封包遺失率,此外我們提出演算法對於不同的傳輸資料類型也能有效控制,來達成系統QoS的要求與網路資源的控制。


A wireless multimedia sensor network (WMSN) is an extensional application based on wireless sensor network (WSN), which has outstanding performance in multimedia signal acquisition and processing. WMSNs are usually troubled by network congestion due to massive packet transmission amounts, and such congestion will not only lose data packets but also lead to too much power consumption. Hence, in order to improve the transmission performance of WMSNs and reduce the delay time, it is necessary to control network congestion and adjust the transmission rate. WMSNs use different kinds of sensor nodes to collect different kinds of data. In WMSNs applications, it is necessary to provide a reliable and fair protocol so as to meet the requirements of quality of service (QoS) of different formats of data. In past research, for WMSNs, priority-based rate control (PBRC) algorithm and exponential weight (EW) algorithm were used to control congestion through the adjusting of the transmission rate among different data formats. However, the weight parameter of the EW algorithm is fixed; when the change in data transmission amount is large, the difference between input transmission rate and estimated output transmission rate for the sink node will be large. In this paper, we have proposed two schemes, which a fuzzy logical controller (FLC) is used to estimate the output transmission rate. The FLC is associated with the EW algorithm to select appropriate weight parameter, and then, appropriate transmission rate is assigned by the priority of each child node. Furthemoer, we use the incremental FLC to estimate the transmission rate of sink node in the next control period. Simulation results show that the transmission rate of our proposed scheme is better than that of PBRC. Our proposed scheme reduces transmission delay and loss probability. The proposed scheme can also effectively control different transmission data types to achieve the required QoS and network resource control.




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