  • 學位論文


Development and Application of Web-based Integrated Monitoring Platform for Linux Multi-model Devices

指導教授 : 王亦凡


隨著網路的普及與速度的提升,網路的流量也隨之成長,為了快速且完整的傳輸資料,光纖傳感設備開始進入了人們視野,但因為普遍的作業仍是基於乙太網路的環境,故在訊號轉換上會需要透過許多不同功能的設備來做轉換。現今市面上的網路管理軟體,多過於商業化且單一,當因應不同需求時,會產生許多型式的設備,且這些設備多為客製化,不易統一管理,這便造成了網管人員在監控設備狀態時的困難。 因此本研究旨在開發出一套網頁式整合監控平台,整合入多種具有SNMP功能的Linux設備。並以開放式原始碼Python、JavaScript、MongoDB及LibreNMS,實作出一套入門門檻低且開發速度快的系統,並期望此系統可以降低使用者在網路設備管理上的成本。


網路管理 監控 SNMP LibreNMS


With the popularity and Highly development of the Internet, the traffic of the Internet has also grown. In order to transmit data quickly and completely, fiber-optic sensing equipment has begun to enter peoples vision, but because the common operations are still based on Ethernet Environment, so signal conversion will need to be done through many devices with different functions. Today, The network management software is much more commercial and singular. When responding to different needs, many types of devices will be produced, and these devices are mostly customized, which is not easy to be managed in a unified manner, This caused difficulties for network management person in monitoring the status of the equipment. Therefore, this research aims to develop a web-based integrated monitoring platform that integrates into a variety of Linux devices with SNMP capabilities. It also uses open source code Python, JavaScript, MongoDB and LibreNMS to implement a low entry barrier and fast development system, and hopes that this system can reduce the cost of network management for users.


SNMP LibreNMS Monitoring NMS


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