  • 學位論文


Relationship between the Job Performance and Achievement Motivation and O.C.B in Hairdressing Industry

指導教授 : 陳恩航 陳恩航


美髮服務產業是一個以「人」為主導商業價值的產業,員工的工作行為是組織競爭的關鍵要素。因此企業除了在組織制度規劃上,以人性化角度激勵與留才外,如何對於該員工之個人特質與能力進行多方面的評估,以藉此激發人力資源最大的潛能,達到企業與員工雙贏的效益,是值得企業探討與思考的課題。 本研究以台灣中大型美髮店現場服務人員及主管為研究對象。調查問卷區分為主管問卷與員工問卷兩類,透過主管評員工及員工自答相互配對。一共發放400份配對問卷。回收率為95%。回收問卷380份,總計有效問卷共350份,有效回收率為87.5%。 資料統計分析以SPSS與Excel交互驗證進行,依據研究目的與研究假設,應用分析方法包括描述性統計、信度分析、效度分析、獨立樣本T檢定、單因子變異數分析(ANOVA)及多元迴歸分析。 由統計分析結果得知,員工個人成就動機及工作績效有顯著性正向影響。成就動機指個人追求責任、挑戰及自我實現的程度。成就動機高者,對事情希望以最佳方式完成,努力克服困難,同時希望能親身感受自己行為成功或失敗的滋味,並追求較具挑戰性及較困難的任務。其次,組織公民行為雖然無法直接影響員工的成就動機,但透過高度的組織公民行為與員工個人成就動機的交互作用,會間接影響員工的工作績效。在員工個人特質方面,服務年資較長的員工,對於自我要求較高,對於成就動機的表現也相對積極。在店內工作服務年資較長的員工對於職場的實務經驗較多,在服務品質及組織公民行為也較為落實,進而也帶動提升整體工作績效。 透過員工個人能力特質的多面向評測方式,將有效增進組織營運拓展與人才管理,使美髮服務業管理階層能更客觀的發揮人力資源最大的潛能,並期望研究成果可以提供美髮服務業管理階層在選、留、育、用人才時,有良好的參考依據。


The mainstay commercial values of hair styling industries emphasis heavily on the “people” factor, as the key element of organization competitiveness lies in employees' performance capabilities. Besides adjusting management system toward a more humane angle to encourage and hold outstanding employees, the evaluation of their personal traits and skills and its application is expected to stimulate maximum potential in human resources to reach a win-win situation in both employers and employees. This is a task worthy of investigation and pondered on for the corporate. The participants of this study are active staffs and supervisors from medium to large scaled hair styling salons and industries. The questionnaire itself is separated into two parts, one for the management personnel and the other for employees. Results are going to be assessed and cross-referenced based on the matching sets of self-evaluation of employees and evaluations from their supervisors. A total of 400 sets of questionnaires are distributed, and the overall recovery rate of 95 percent is achieved in this survey. Among the 380 sets of recovered results, 350 sets of these questionnaires are considered valid, which brought the effective response rate to 87.5 percent. Data were processed with SPSS statistical software with analysis methods including descriptive statistical, reliability analysis, validity analysis, independent T-test, ANOVA and multiple regression analysis, which are designed to exam the hypothesis and purposes of this study. Based on the results of the analysis, positive correlations between personal achievement aspirations and work performances show significant ties and influences. Achievement aspirations indicate the level of self-actualization gained through responsibility, completion of challenges and self implementation. People with high level of achievement aspirations strife to accomplish tasks with best outcome while overcoming all the hardships along the way. They expect to experience success or failure through their actions, and pursue more challenging or difficult feats. Although organizational citizenship behavior do not exert tangible influences on employees' achievement aspirations, through cross interactions, they exert an indirect but tangible influence on work performance. For personal characteristics, employees with longer years of work experiences in hair styling industries showed a tendency of higher standard of self-discipline, as well as enthusiasm for achievement aspirations. Employees with longer years of seniority in the same employment have more practical workplace experience, and they tend to provide better quality service and organizational citizenship behavior – which will improve overall work performance. Through the multi-aspect oriented evaluation of employees’ personal traits and skills, it is expected to aid hair styling industries’ management to objectively boost staff performances to their maximum potency. In addition to aforementioned expectation, results from this study are held with high regards in hoping to provide functional references when management is recruiting, holding, educating or utilizing employees.


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