  • 學位論文


The research of continued usage willingness of internet of things by innovation diffusion theory and technology acceptance model

指導教授 : 李慶長


回顧近期學者對於物聯網等相關的研究,主要研究目的在:RFID、ZigBee、雲端運算、全球定位系統、寬頻多碼分工、近場通訊等相關的科技研究對物聯網的理論,再者針對物流管理系統、環境監控系統、居家護理、智慧城市等應用層面的探討,顯少有從使用者的角度來探討在物聯網環境下使用者如何能得知相關的資訊及如何使用,在對一個不熟悉的科技環境中一般的使用者如何能夠輕易地了解及使用,進而引發本研究之研究動機。 本研究採用SmartPLS統計軟體進行路徑分析以及信效度分析,並搭配GoF模型配適度、Sobel 中介檢定進行資料檢定,並針對使用意願進行重要性排序分析;因本研究之問卷數共309份,本研究以單因子驗證式因素分析來檢驗共同方法變異,結果顯示本研究並無共同方法變異之問題。 研究結果顯示,使用者對於物聯網的產品其認知度較為低,但在經過相關體驗後就,就可以增加其持續使用意願,除可試用性對確認程度不顯著外,其他構面間皆是顯著影響;本研究中另增加了安全性的構面,也得到非常顯著的影響;最後,本研究也提出許多相關的建議,以供相關單位或未來預計研發物聯網產品的廠商作為參考。


Recalling the recent academic research related to The internet of Thing, the main purpose of the study: Technology theory of The Internet of Things related to RFID, ZigBee, cloud computing, global positioning systems, wideband code division multiple, near-field communications, etc. Moreover for logistics management systems, environmental monitoring systems, home care, and other application-level intelligence to explore the city, There are few from the user's point of view to explore the environment in a user how things can be learned and how to use relevant information. In the science and technology of an unfamiliar environment, general users can easily understand how and use, and thus lead to the motivation of this research study. In this study, the path SmartPLS statistical analysis software and the reliability and validity analysis, with GoF model of fit, Sobel agency conduct data verification test, and for the use of the will of the importance of sorting analysis; Because the questionnaire of this study a total of 309 the number of copies, In this study, a single factor confirmatory factor analysis to test the common method variance, the results of this study did not show a problem of common method variance. The results show that Relatively low user awareness for its products of The internet of Things, But after the relevant experience after, you can increase its continued use will, Except to try to confirm the extent of not significant, Among other facets are all significant impacts; In this study adds another facet of security, it has also been very significant impact; Finally, the study also made a number of suggestions, for the relevant units or in the future development of the Internet of Things is expected to product manufacturers as a reference


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