  • 學位論文


The Model of Symbiotic Participation for Urban Community Environment Planning

指導教授 : 陳錦賜


都市社區是都市發展的重心,都市社區環境是都市社區發展的核心,都市社區環境良窳影響都市環境甚巨,因此都市社區環境規劃亦成為都市環境規劃的核心價值。都市社區是都市居民共同生活的環境(都市社區潛藏共生內涵),都市社區居民是都市社區的主體,所以都市社區環境的優劣繫於都市社區居對於都市社區環境之關心及參與程度;而都市社區環境的良窳又影響都市居民生活素質及居住品質,社區環境規劃之施作不可不慎哉!因此當都市發展計畫的思維走入民主、自由的潮流後,傳統的集權式、專業式都市環境規劃已不能順應民主思潮且不合時宜,此時民眾參與的都市環境規劃蔚為風潮,並由歐美日先進國家的都市環境規劃史舉證之。 民眾參與式的都市環境規劃在參與過程中若無法導引參與居民「棄私利而就公義」,或以「自利利他」的精神參與,則民眾參與式的都市環境規劃將走入私利競逐的困境,亦無法提昇都市環境品質及生活素質,此可由臺北市環境規劃的現象而舉證之。因此如何促使民眾能以「良性」來參與都市社區環境規劃,以提昇都市環境品質與生活素質,乃激發本研究之起心動念。本研究從文獻回顧中發現,「良性參與」在生態學中可用「共生」的觀念來詮釋其意涵與價值,進而提出本研究目標為如何強化都市社區居民共生參與環境規劃。本研究標的為建立都市社區環境規劃之共生參與模式,在此目的下進行一系列研究計畫,從研究範圍、內容、步驟、方法的確立,與文獻回顧論證過程中,建立模式理論架構與實證研究,選擇臺北市信義區五分埔住商混合社區、士林區福林住宅社區作實證調查及驗證分析,從分析結果提出研究見證,研究內容共分五章十七節。 第一章緒論:由國內外文獻回顧及台北市實施社區參與環境規劃經驗,引發本研究的動機及目的,界定研究範圍,研擬研究內容、步驟、方法及流程。 第二章文獻評析:彙整都市社區環境改造規劃相關理論精要,及萃取共生理論重點,進行都市社區環境共生規劃論述。文獻評析發現共生可由時間上的連續性,與空間上的寬容性進行論證;除了同質共生,異質共生更為關注重點。「共生參與式環境規劃」不僅著重環境規劃結果達成的共識,更應關注構成居民環境使用、維護的互利互助關係,達到共生參與環境規劃之善性循環關係。社區參與環境規劃作業之參與單位主要有社區居民、專業規劃團體政府等三單位,面臨都市社區複雜的組織及不同的環境規劃議題,應以共生參與模式進行參與作業系統調控,由社區居民構成內共生參與之內環參與關係,著重「狀態模式」調控,掌握居民朝善性參與狀態發展;參與三單位構成外共生參與之外環境參與系統,著重「策略模式」引導功能,指引社區之共生參與環境規劃。 第三章研究理論架構之建立與研擬:應用生物控制論,演譯「都市社區環境規劃共生參與模式」,規劃實證及驗證方法。基於生物控制論之「系統控制」、「自適應功能」與「學習系統」等原則,本模式主要步驟有「辨識」、「共生參與學習」、「模擬」、「共生參與規劃」。共生參與模式首要步驟為檢定社區關鍵族群及環境規劃關鍵議題,依社區共生狀態進行必要的共生參與學習,在居民達到自利利他共生參與行動狀態下,進行共生參與規劃作業,完成社區居民共生參與環境規劃的善性循環關係。本模式進行台北市福林社區及五分埔社區之應用實證及驗證,實證方法進行社區田野調查與問卷調查,由調查結果模擬本模式架構應用方法及原則;驗證方法進行市政府、專業規劃團體及二個社區的問卷調查,分析其對於本模式之認同程度。 第四章實證調查與分析:從台北市實施社區參與環境規劃成果調查,及福林社區、五分埔社區的環境調查與分析發現,二個社區實踐社區參與環境規劃結果仍未能使社區環境達到共生發展程度。依共生參與模式理論架構進行二個社區應用「都市社區環境規劃之共生參與模式」模擬,二個社區應先進行共生參與學習程序,提昇居民自利利他共生參與行動力;福林社區環境共生規劃生態位於偏利共生(0,+)及互利共生(+,+)現象,可由具有高度共生參與行動之居民,帶領其他居民共生參與環境規劃;五分埔社區環境共生規劃生態呈現偏利共生(0,+)、寄生(-,+)、偏害競爭(0,-)現象,專業規劃團體必需運用有效共生參與規劃方法,改善環境規劃不共生現象,而市政府應強化協助社區共生參與之功能,輔導社區居民朝向共生參與環境規劃發展。 第五章都市社區環境規劃之共生參與模式理論架構驗證:經進行市政府、專業規劃團體及二個社區對於本模式的認同程度問卷調查,檢定結果皆達認同水準,本模式通過檢定。其中較有爭議項目為社區對於共生參與關鍵族群屬性,與共生參與學習作業,二個項目雖然都通過檢定,都部分居民仍以達成環境規劃作業為最重要目標,對於租賃或非權利關係居民參與保持不認同觀念。 第六章結論與建議:研究結論政府應以「都市社區環境規劃之共生參與模式」推動都市社區環境改造規劃作業,實施重點:1.建立共生參與學習系統,提昇社區居民之共生參與觀念。2.建立都市社區環境規劃之內共生、外共生二個共生參與體系,達成社區環境整體性規劃的效益。3.建構社區居民參與環境規劃之善性循環關係為實施目的。研究發現社區環境及組織生態結構都不同,共生參與模式應加強社區共生因素辨析,及彈性的調控功能;部分居民對於共生參與仍有存疑提倡共生參與式環境規劃理論,應為首要工作。而社區調查結果其共生參與行動呈現極低的程度,建立社區關鍵族群的共生參與學習,提昇其共生參與行動力為推動共生參與環境規劃重要工作。研究建議推廣共生學習教育活動,政府及專業規劃團體的角色與功能應檢討轉變。後續建議研究社區以外影響共生參與規劃之因素調查,及社區共生族群的不同賦權方式研究。


Community environment is a key factor for urban development and its value influences urban a lot; therefore the urban community environment is the key value for urban environment. Urban community provides the environment for community residents living together, urban community has the potential symbiosis, and community resident is the core element for the urban community. The value of urban community environment depends on resident’s caress and participation in community environment, as well as the value of urban environment influences resident’s living quality thereby it is very significant to perform urban community environment planning. When urban development theory tends to democracy influence the bureaucratic and traditional urban community environment planning cannot suit for democratic tendency; thus Environment Participation Planning(EPP) became prevalent and had be evidenced from Europe, USA, and Japan. From the experience of practicing EPP by Taipei City Government, because of the dilemma of personal interest competition, residents’ selfish participating or lacking proper leading the result of EPP could not to promote the urban environment quality. The motion of this research is study the way to set up community residents’ virtuous participating community environment planning works to promote urban environment quality. From literature reviews the significance and value of residents’ virtuous participating can be interpreted by biological symbiosis perspective and the objective of the study is to strengthen urban community residents’ symbiotic participating environment planning and the purpose of the study is to set up the “The Model of Symbiotic Participation for Urban Community Environment Planning”(MSPUCE). From the process of setting the study area, setting up the study procedure, the study methods, literature reviewing, examining Wufenpu Community(mix-use community) and Fulin Community (Residential community) the study set up the performance of MSPUCE and paper contains six chapters and seventeen sections. In chapter one foreword, it promoted the study objective and purpose, set up the study scope, procedure methods to develop MSPUCE. In chapter two the research discussed the way of environment symbiotic planning in urban communities from organization of the important issues of “Symbiosis Theory” and the theories of community environment planning. The symbiosis theory can be argued by the continuity of time and the tolerance of space. Besides “symbiosis from same creatures”, “symbiosis from different creatures” is also a notable topic. There are three main bodies participating in community environment planning process, the community residents, the environment planning professionals as well as government officials. It is necessary a symbiotic participation model to deal with community complex organizations and different environmental planning problems. The model has two participating systems, the inner-participating system and the outer-participating system. Focusing on “Status Model” controlling the inner-participating system formed by community residents handles community to develop a mercy participating status. Focusing on “Strategy Model” controlling the outer-participating system formed by three bodies guides community to develop a mercy participating process. The model doesn’t only concern with the result of community environment planning but also pays more attention on the good circulation relationship of community residents’ participation on environment planning. In chapter three by “Biology Control Method” it processes MSPUCE and the method of examination as well as analysis. Basis on the principles of “System control”, “Self-accommodation Capability” and “Learning System” of “Biology Control Method” the model has four main processes: the “Identification”, “Symbiosis Participation Learning”, “Simulation” and “Symbiosis Participation Planning”. The first process of the model of symbiotic participation is to analysis the key organization of community and the key issue of environment planning. Following the analysis result it will process “Symbiosis Participation Learning” if needed and “Symbiosis Participation Planning” as community residents reach the symbiotic participation action for promoting benefits for it and the others to prove community reaching the good circulation relationship on environment planning. There are two communities, Fuling Cmmunity and Wufonpu Community in Taipei City, as examples to simulate and verify the processes of MSP. The method to analysis two communities’ condition contains Field Investigation and Questionnaire Method. The method to verify MSP is testing the agreement degree by three bodies. In chapter four the reach proceeded the examination and analyzed the conditions in Fuling Cmmunity and Wufonpu Community and the result showed that these two communities’ residents hadn’t reach the good circulation relationship with environment planning even though they both went through PEP. By simulating MSPUCE these two communities should proceed from “Symbiosis Participation Learning” first to improve the residents’ symbiotic participation action. Because the environmental symbiotic planning were on the levels of “One-way symbiosis” and ”Symbiosis” Fuling Cmmunity can let residents in higher symbiotic participation action lead the other residents symbiotic participating environment planning. The condition of environmental symbiotic planning in Wufonpu Community were on levels of “One-way symbiosis”, “Parasitism” & “One-way competition” the environment planning professional must use an effective method to proceed SPEP to improve the bad condition in Wufonpu Community and the officers could strengthen the function of assistance to help Wufonpu Community reach the good circulation relationship on environment planning. In chapter five the reach proceeded Questionnaire to examine the level of approval with MSPUCE between three bodies. In chapter five it proceeded the verification of MSPUCE by Questionnaire to exam the level of improvement from three bodies. The result of the verification had all past exam from every item. There were two items having some negative from communities’ residents or environment planning professionals. One item was that communities’ residents doubt about the way of indicating key group of symbiotic participation environment planning and another was about the necessity of “Symbiosis Participation Learning”. The result showed that some people still thought of environment planning project is the most important priority of PEP and don’t accept the building user or stakeholder participation. In chapter six the conclusion proposed MSPUCE to improve urban community environment reconstruction planning and the key points are: 1. Indicating the “Symbiosis Participation Learning” to improve community residents symbiotic participation, 2. Setting the inner-participating and the outer-participating systems to push community having a comprehensive consideration on environment planning, 3. Put the good circulation relationship of community residents’ participation on environment planning as the goal to practice community participation environment planning. The research found that two communities had different structures in environment and organizations prospects, MSPUCE should strengthen the functions of “Identification” community symbiotic factors and flexible control. Because of some residents’ doubt the first task was to establish the importance of SPEP. The research suggested that it needed to strength SPEP education and it needed to change the three bodies’ participation function and roles. Suggested future studies includes studying the extra influence factors except community residents as well as the different way of participation from different texture community residents.


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