  • 學位論文


The Development of IoT Concept Stock in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李建興 晏揚清


根據市場產業研究機構的國際數據資訊 (International Data Corporation, 簡稱IDC)研究,2014年全球的物聯網(Internet of Things,簡稱IoT)市值將達6,558億美元,未來隨著愈來愈多的裝置與物件可以連接網路,相關服務將會大幅成長,至2020年:IoT全球市場價值將可達1.7兆美元,如此龐大的市場與商機,在全球已被眾多廠商視為主流趨勢,目前已經有超過7成的企業,啟動了物聯網產品的相關佈局與商品化及商業化的進程 (IDC, 2017),顯見IoT的重要性與日俱增,已為全球趨之若鶩的趨勢。 各國IoT的發展程度往往和區域經濟地位,商業能力和技術能力有很大的關聯 (IDC, 2017)。目前全球公信力極高的兩大IoT指數:「MSCI物聯網(IoT)指數」與「物聯網(IoT)商業指數」,忠實反映全球產業在IoT方面的進展;前者由摩根士丹利資本國際公司(Morgan Stanley Capital International, MSCI)所編製,後者由經濟學人智庫(Economist Intelligence Unit, EIU)發布。 綜上所述,綜觀全球IoT之發展現況,可了解IoT的重要性與日俱增,有關注之必要性;因而引發本文進一步探究:在兩類IoT發展指數,即MSCI物聯網(IoT)指數與2017年物聯網(IoT)商業指數下,台灣物聯網概念股的營收與股票預期報酬之情況,了解台灣在IoT發展指數中的地位,將有助於台灣企業在全球和本地掌握在戰略發展的機會,與投資人之投資建議、IoT發展之精進策略,與商業模式。結果發現:當IoT指數越高,營收與股票超額報酬率也越高,這表示國際IoT發展與國內IoT概念股之營收、股票超額報酬率息息相關,也帶動其發展;意涵對投資人而言,IoT的重要性與日俱增,成為全球趨之若鶩的趨勢,持有物聯網概念股之股票有其獲利性;對管理者而言,整合平行產業為當務之急,最後打造物聯網生態圈方成大業。


According to the International Data Corporation (hereafter IDC), the market value of the global Internet of Things (hereafter IoT) will reach US$ 655.8 billion in 2014. With the increasing number of devices in the future, the objects can be connected to the internet and related services will grow significantly. In 2020, the global market value of IoT will reach US$1.7 trillion. Such a huge market and business opportunities have been seen by many manufacturers as the mainstream trend in the world. 70% of companies started the related layout and commercialization of IoT products (IDC, 2017). It shows the importance of IoT is increasing day by day and has become a global trend. The degree of development of IoT in various countries is often associated with regional economic status, business capabilities and technical capabilities (IDC, 2017). The two most prominent IoT indices in the world, the "global IoT index on MSCI custom ACWI" and the "IoT Business Index" faithfully reflect the progress of global industries in IoT; the former is made up of Morgan Stanley Capital International. (MSCI), the later one was published by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). To sum up, this study was inspired by looking at the current global IoT development situation, it could be understood that the importance of IoT is increasing day by day and there is a need for attention; this study further explores what are the situations of Taiwan's IoT concept stocks' revenues and excess stock returns under the two types of IoT development index. Furthermore, to understanding Taiwan’s position in the IoT trend will help Taiwanese companies to grasp opportunities in strategic development both globally and locally, investment advice, IoT development strategies, and business models. As a result, it was found that when the IoT index is higher, the revenues and excess stock returns are also higher, which indicates that the development of international IoT is closely related to the domestic IoT concept stocks and the excess stock returns, and it also drives its development; In terms of IoT, the importance of IoT is increasing day by day and it has become a global trend. Holding stocks of IoT concept stocks has its profitability; for managers, integrating parallel industries and building the IoT ecosystem is an urgent matter.


萬幼筠與林茵薇 (2015)。物聯網時代下的新商業思維與安控要點。會計研究月刊,(357),93–101。
2013 The Internet of Things Business Index, Read The Internet of Things business Index 2013: A quiet revolution gathers pace, https://www.arm.com/-/media/arm-com/news/eiu/2013_EIU_Internet_Business_Index_WEB.PDF
2017 The Internet of Things Business Index, Read The Internet of Things Business Index 2017: Transformation in motion, https://www.arm.com/-/media/arm-com/news/eiu/EIU-ARM-IBM_IoT_Business_Index_2017.pdf
IoT指數大漲 科技股熱,https://fund.udn.com/fund/story/5858/1924897
