  • 學位論文


The Research on the Business Operation Effect by the Introducing Enterprise Resource Planning System into Construction Industry

指導教授 : 李樑堅 陳英仁


近年來, ERP的導入已成為各企業應用資訊科技的主流趨勢。而國內ERP之導入案例以製造業居大宗。由於無法真正掌握產業之確實需求,導致業界對於ERP的認知多依據製造業之產業需求而發展其產品功能。本研究依據國內營建業建置ERP的實務經驗,探討如何藉由對ERP特性的掌握而得以正確評估企業導入ERP系統的適用性與可行性。 本研究使用深度訪談法進行研究,透過各受訪公司專案經理及實際進行導入ERP專案成員等參與者觀點來探討ERP導入專案各階段之重要因素,並藉由此案例經驗之研究結果提供給未來有意進行導入ERP之營造業參考。研究發現企業於決策導入ERP的同時,即應瞭解須對於企業之營運需求進行整體規劃。此外,企業要成功導入ERP,首先必須得到高階主管的支持,並向全體員工宣示其決心,適時提供適當的支援。再者,導入成本是否具備良好的成本效益為大部份公司決定是否導入ERP系統的極重要因素,也是ERP系統導入成功的重要變數。


ERP系統 營造業 深度訪談


In recent years, introducing ERP system to the companies have become a main trend. However, in Taiwan, the successful cases in introducing ERP system are in manufacturing industry. As a result, the ERP systems were designed according to the needs of manufacturing industry and can’t grasp the true needs for the other industries. This research will try to figure the key factors in introducing ERP system in construction industry based on the practical experience. Through sharing information and experience, companies can learn from the research, and can introduce the ERP system much more efficiently. This research used in-depth interview as the research method. The interviewees, including project managers and practitioners with ERP implements experience, were asked to discuss the Successful Factors of this ERP in every stage. The results provided rich information for the construction industry company which intended to import ERP system in the future. The research found when introducing ERP system into companies, the companies have to design the system by figuring out their operation needs. Besides, when introducing ERP system, senior managers have to support and put resource into it. Finally, cost is a key factor for companies to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of introducing ERP system.


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