  • 學位論文


The Factors which Influence Consumers’ Revisit Intention : A Case Study of E-DA THEME PARK

指導教授 : 蔡明智 趙仁方


隨著生活品質的提升,國人愈來愈注重休閒,義大遊樂世界於民國九十九年開幕,是高雄市唯一的主題樂園,在營運之初通常因為許多人沒來過,而抱著嘗鮮的心態前來,然而在投入大量資本持續營運之際,需能不斷吸引遊客前來,以維持正常營運,因此必須找出讓人提高重遊意願的因素,進而提高遊樂園的入園人數。 本研究試著從公司形象、服務品質、顧客滿意度、價格、顧客忠誠度,這五個因素,透過問卷調查,來印證各因素彼此的相關程度及其與重遊意願的關聯性,加強與重遊意願相關的因素,以增加入園人數。 本研究問卷的設計以Likert七點量表,並用結構方程模式(Structural Equation Model, SEM)探討重遊樂園的影響因素,研究方法以LISREL 分析軟體進行驗證。研究結果大部分和學者的主張一致,比較特別的是價格對顧客滿意度沒有絕對的關係,可見除了價格以外的其他因素,更可能影響顧客滿意度。而顧客滿意度和重遊意願是正相關,因此若能增加顧客滿意度,就能提升重遊意願。


With the promotion of life quality, people more and more emphasize leisure. E-DA THEME PARK is the only one theme park in Kaohsiung which starts in 2010. In the beginning, many people never visit E-DA THEME PARK, and feel very interesting. After investing much capital, it needs to attract consumers continually, in order to maintain regular operating. To increase consumers, we have to find the factors which promote consumers’ revisit intention. The study tries to through questionnaire survey to make sure the five factors: Corporate Image, Service Quality, Consumer’s Satisfaction, Price, and Consumer’s loyalty, the correlation and the connection to revisit intention. To strength the factor which connect to revisit intention, and increase the consumers. The questionnaire survey design of 7-point Likert Scale, to confer the factors which increase consumer’s revisit intention, and use LISREL to test and verify. The conclusion most probably identical to scholars. The unusual is that there is no absolute correlation between Price and Consumer’s Satisfaction. Maybe the factors without Price have the influence to Consumer’s Satisfaction. Consumer’s Satisfaction is positive correlation to consumers’ revisit intention. To increase the Consumer’s Satisfaction to lead the increase of consumers’ revisit intention.


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