  • 學位論文


The Study on the Consumer Behavior of Credit Card Users for the Domestic Issuing Bank Marketing Strategy

指導教授 : 李樑堅 陳英仁


信用卡業務已成為金融機構重要消費金融業務之一,擴展信用卡行銷也是發卡銀行促使顧客辦卡消費重要因素的一環,而持卡者對於信用卡行銷策略組合方面的看法及消費行為意向為發卡銀行主要參考的關鍵。 本研究旨在探討國內發卡銀行行銷策略對信用卡使用者消費行為之分析,並利用SPSS統計套裝軟體進行分析,問卷設計參考Ajzen(1985)計畫行為理論,調查對象為年滿20歲及南臺灣地區之持卡者。研究主軸分為「信用卡行銷策略組合」及「持卡者消費行為意向」兩項。「信用卡行銷策略組合」五個構面分別為信用卡行銷、信用卡服務、信用卡通路、信用卡費用、信用卡產品特色。「持卡者消費行為意向」四個構面分別為使用忠誠度、支付更多、轉換行為、使用反應。 根據回收之492份有效問卷分析結果顯示,在「信用卡行銷策略組合」構面發現「信用卡服務」之反應程度為最顯著,其次為「信用卡行銷」及「信用卡通路」。在「持卡者消費行為意向」構面發現「支付更多」之反應程度為最顯著,如此可看出持卡者可能有偏好使用的信用卡。對於信用卡發卡銀行建議如要:掌握顧客需求、透過廣告策略推廣,讓持卡者更加了解信用卡的使用功能,另外,鎖定刷卡消費族群、促使持卡者願意持卡消費,以提升使用者的忠誠度。


Credit cards services has been one of the essential businesses in consumer finance, which prompts financial institutions to expand marketing efforts in order to increase card issuance and usage among consumers. Therefore, how card holders perceive the marketing mix of a bank, as well as their intention behind consumption behavior, become key issues for financial institutions. To address these issues, this research draws upon Theory of Planned Behavior proposed by Ajzen (1985) to examine the impact on cardholders’ spending behavior by the card promotion strategies of financial institutions. The survey targets respondents currently residing in Taiwan who are at least 20 years old. The study focuses on two areas of interest drawn from TPB, namely, card marketing mix and cardholder’s intention to spend. The card marketing strategy mix is composed of five constructs, i.e., card marketing, card services, card channels, card expenses and card features. Cardholder’s intention to spend includes four constructs, namely, brand loyalty, willingness to spend more, card switching behavior, and reaction from using the cards. An analysis on the data collected from 492 effective questionnaires reveals interesting findings. Within the card marketing strategy mix construct, the design of card services is found to have the most significant influence on cardholders, followed by card marketing and card channels. For the cardholder’s intention to spend, the willingness to spend more construct is found to be most significantly influenced by marketing strategy mix. These findings may be used to create and fine-tune credit card marketing strategies for financial institutions.


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