  • 學位論文


A Study on the Obstructing Factors in Married Women’s Participation in Leisure Activities

指導教授 : 林琳


本研究者在1980年代出生在台灣的家庭,成為已婚婦女從全職職業婦女到全職家管已有14年,深深感受到這時代環境的變遷,也察覺身邊的女性長輩或是女性朋友一旦踏入婚姻後,在婚姻上的自主性、經濟上的獨立、甚至家庭地位的責任加重。面對工作與家庭雙重期待下,時間、精力與體力上的負荷甚重,連帶影響到生活滿意度、身心健康。此次主要研究對象是台灣的已婚婦女為主,擬對已婚婦女參與休閒活動阻礙因素進行探討,並探討不同家庭背景變項對休閒態度之影響,不同家庭背景變項對休閒行為之影響,婚前婚後的休閒活動影響。本研究採用網路問卷調查法,共取得有效樣本719份。以SPSS統計套裝軟體,進行資料處理及分析,所使用的統計方法包含獨立樣本t檢定、項目分析、探索式因素分析、信度分析、迴歸分析、單因子變異數分析、卡方分析。獲得結果如下: 1. 本研究之休閒阻礙因素分別為家庭阻礙、個人內在阻礙及結構阻礙。 2. 個人內在阻礙因素產生對休閒態度之影響最為顯著,為負影響。 3. 婚前參加休閒活動頻率對休閒阻礙與休閒態度之間具有調節作用。 4. 人口統計變項中,居住區對休閒態度影響最為顯著。 5. 婚前與婚後休閒行為有顯著差異。頻率方面:婚後小於婚前;對象方面:婚前與朋友居多、婚後與家人居多;類型方面:婚前社交類多、婚後戶外類多。


The researcher was born in Taiwan in 1980s and has been a married woman from a full-time professional woman into a full-time housekeeper almost 14 years. I deeply feel the changes in the environment of this era, and also notice the female elders or women around me stepping into a marriage, the responsibility for autonomy in marriage, economic independence, and even family status increases. Faced with the double expectation of work and family, the load on time, precision and physical body is very heavy, and the belt affects the satisfaction of life and physical and mental health. The main research object this time is mainly married women in Taiwan. It is planned to discuss the obstacles to married women's participation in leisure activities. It also discusses the impact of different family background variables on leisure attitudes, the impact of different family background variables on leisure behavior, and the impact of leisure activities before and after marriage. This research will use the online questionnaire survey method and obtain a total of 719 valid samples. SPSS statistical package software is used for data processing and analysis. The statistical methods used include independent-sample t test, item analysis , exploratory factor analysis (EFA), reliability analysis, regression analysis, one-way ANOVA, Chi-square test. The results are as follows: 1.The leisure obstacles in this study are family obstacles, personal intrinsic obstacles and structural obstacles. 2.The most significant effect of personal internal obstacles on leisure attitude is negative. 3.Participation in the leisure activity cycle before marriage has a moderating effect between leisure obstacles and leisure attitudes. 4.Among the demographic variables, the residential area has the most significant influence on leisure attitudes. 5.There are significant differences in leisure behavior before and after marriage. Frequency: after marriage is less than before marriage. Object: more friends before marriage, more family after marriage. Type: more social activities before marriage, more outdoor activities after marriage.


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