  • 學位論文


Research on the Effectiveness of Power Boat Maritime Safety Information System in Taiwan - Example of the Da-Syong Power Boat Driving Training Course

指導教授 : 吳有龍
共同指導教授 : 宋詩夫(Shih-Fu Sung)


臺灣地區自解嚴後,開放小船與遊艇出海活動,但民眾必須參加動力小船駕駛訓練機構訓練並報考小船駕駛測驗,學員雖然考取駕照並不能代表具備獨自駕駛小船出海的能力,此有賴於駕駛訓練班持續辦理出海實作訓練,由於海上狀況瞬息萬變,小船特性不同於船舶,航行經驗乃時間之累積,值此背景對於駕訓機構自發性辦理海上航安資訊系統成效為本研究最大動機。本研究目的主要探討動力小船駕駛訓練班屬性與學員變項的影響關係,其次為動力小船駕駛訓練班出海實作規劃內容與風險評估是否適f切,以及駕駛訓練班所面臨的困境瓶頸與解決方法。所採的研究方法從文獻資料中,以內在構面性、外在構面性與其他構面因素,分析彙整為理論架構之基礎,再輔以研究方式之關聯性、預測力及不同背景變項之實施成效,透過受訪者獲得的資料探究執行運作情形,加以歸納分析並據以提出建議。 研究結果分析歸納四點,第一點:受訪者內外在動機顯示較偏重自我能力提升與自主學習面向。第二點:出海實作訓練師資參差不齊,學經歷僅能代表個人之經驗價值,亦是影響學員學習成效與滿意度的重要因素之一。第三點:現有小船與遊艇各有職場應用與休閒娛樂兩種不同屬性的領域,法規位階互通性複雜易造成學員對法令誤解及繁文縟節難以分辨理解。第四點:政府近年致力推動遊艇觀光休閒產業卻未聞動力小船產業相關資訊,航政主管機關與業者將動力小船與遊艇不時混用之亂象,更造成民眾混淆認知不清。 研究建議提供未來有志於從事相關研究者之參考。: 一、動力小船海上實作訓練課程與師資列入法規統一規範 二、修訂不合時宜之法令規章 三、增加或恢復基本安全訓練項目


After the end of the Taiwan martial period,boats and yachts are allowed to conduct maritime activities. However,people must participate in the training held by power boat training institutions and apply for boat driving test. Although having the driving license doesn’t represent the ability to drive boat alone,it depends on constantly hand-on training of boat training institutes.Due to the fast changing sea environment,the characteristics of the boat is different from that of the ship. The navigation experience is the accumulation of time. The motivation of this research derives from the background concerned about the effect of maritime safety information system and autonomous training held by boat training institutes. The purpose of this study is to discuss the influence between the attributes of boat training courses and student background variables,followed by the appropriateness of planning content,risk assessment regarding to maritime hand-on training and the bottleneck and solutions faced by boat training classes. The research methods analysis and integrate internal and external assumption plus other factors from the literature,which is the basis of theoretical framework in this article. And evaluate the effectiveness of relevance,forecast capability and different background variables as auxiliary research methods. By exploring the implementation based on the data obtained by the interviewees,this research will summarize,analyze and make recommendations based on it. The analysis of the research summarizes four points.First,the internal and external motivation of interviewees shows a greater emphasis on self-improvement and autonomous learning. Second,the quality of hand-on training instructors are uneven.The educational background can only represent the personal experience value.It is also one of the main reason that affect the student’s learning effectiveness and satisfaction. Third, the boats and yachts belong to two different fields which is workplace and entertainment. The complexity of regulation may easily cause misunderstandings for student. Fourth,the government has been committing to promoting the yacht tourism industry in recent years,while there is merely information about the power boat industry. The word’s misuse between yacht and power boat by maritime administration and practicant from time to time has caused confusion among the public. The research proposal provides a reference for future interested researchers: 1. Power boat training courses and instructors should be unified and legislated. 2. Amendment of outdated laws and regulations. 3. Add or restore basic safety training programs.


1. 「駕駛訓練」(2012),臺灣遊艇活動網,中華民國101年3月1日查訪,網址http://www.ship.org.tw/boating/training.asp。
2. 2000年高速船安全國際章程(2008)。航政業務採用國際公約資訊。網址:https://www.motc.gov.tw/uploaddowndoc?file=bussiness/201210231110110.pdf
3. 于青雲(2003)。國際Regimes及非國際Regimes層面之海峽兩岸海上聯合搜救演練:一點理論之詮釋。國立金門大學海洋事務研究所。1-3-4。
4. 大雄動力小船(自用)駕駛訓練班,網址:http://aa7895.myweb.hinet.net/。
