  • 學位論文


An Empirical Research on the Job Stress and Coping Strategy for Police Officers

指導教授 : 陳岳陽 蔡明智


警察身為人民褓母,因工作性質的特殊,他們常處於高心理壓力、高暴力、高危險死亡率的工作情境中,係屬於高壓力的職業。故本研究欲探討內政部警政署所屬之員警工作壓力及因應策略與健康狀態的關係。本研究以警政署之基層警務人員為研究母體,藉由電子問卷,以滾雪球方式將問卷觸及各個基層警務人員,共計回收 252 份問卷,問卷回收率為100%。本研究所收集的資料,以 SPSS 18.0 將資料統計分析,其分析主要採敘述性統計及簡單迴歸分析。本研究結果發現,基層警務人員工作壓力主要來自角色壓力、工作時間與負荷及家庭生活與休閒之壓力。遭遇工作壓力時,基層警務人員之因應策略向正面且積極方式處理。最後,依據研究結果歸納出本研究結論並提出相關建議,以供基層警務人員以及警察機關,做為參考如下: 一、基層員警部分 (一)釐清自身之壓力來源,並做好自我管理調適 (二)尋求家庭或同儕協助,來減低承受的工作壓力 二、警政機關部分 (一)建立周延法律制度,平衡警員家庭生活與工作 (二)建立心理壓力諮詢管道及其正常化之正確觀念


The police are often in a high-stress occupation because of the special nature of their work. They are often in a job situation with high psychological stress, high violence and high risk of death. Therefore, this study is intended to explore the relationship between the police job stress and the coping strategy and health condition of National Police Agency of the Ministry of the Interior. In this research, the police officers were used as maternal body of the research. The questionnaire was used to reach all basic police officers by electronic method. A total of 252 questionnaires were collected, recovery rate was 100%. The data were collected and analyzed with SPSS 18.0. The analysis mainly used descriptive statistics and simple regression analysis. The results of this research indicate that the job pressure of grassroots police officers mainly comes from role pressure, working time and load, and the pressure of family life and leisure. When faced with job stress, the response strategy of police officers is solved in a positive way. Finally, based on the research results, the conclusions of this study are summarized and relevant recommendations are made for the basic police officers and police agencies as a reference: 1. Police officer: (1) Clarify your own sources of stress and do a good job of self-management adjustment. (2) Seeking family or peer assistance to reduce the stress of job. 2. Police agency: (1) Set up a complete legal system, balance the life and job of police officers. (2) Establish the psychological stress counseling pipeline and the correct concept of its normalization.


job stress coping strategy health condition


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