  • 學位論文


Semantic Understanding of Text and Key Words Generation using Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Network

指導教授 : 郭忠民


隨著科技與網路技術越來越普及,人們對於網路的依賴日益漸增,同時人們利用網路的資訊來做決策也愈來愈習慣,例如餐廳的好壞,電影好不好看…等等。而我們要解決的問題是,要怎麼快速有效地找到足夠的資訊,面對大量的資訊,要如何快速閱讀並理解訊息的內容,要如何從大量的訊息中歸納出有用的結論,並能以簡單明確的文字做出評價。 基於以上的動機,發展一個通用的智慧評價架構,其功能有蒐集訊息的技術、一個智慧的閱讀系統、以文字總結評價的結果,給出建議。將這些功能以深度學習的架構整合成一完整的系統,並能適用於任何評價的需要,為本研究的主要目的。


With the advancements in Internet technology, people are becoming increasingly reliant on the Internet. They are using online information to make decisions such as determining the quality of food at a restaurant or the quality of a movie. To tackle this issue, it is important to find a way to quickly and efficiently collect information, understand its content accurately, and present the conclusions in simple, clear language. In this paper, we propose a general intelligent evaluation framework that integrates the functions of information collection, intelligent reading, and evaluations using deep learning techniques. The goal of this research is to develop a comprehensive system that can be applied to any evaluation needs.


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