  • 學位論文


Research on the Effect of Smart Phone Loaded Exercise Apps to Regular Exercise Behavior of College Students -An Example of a University in Southern Taiwan

指導教授 : 謝幸燕 鄭雅愛


研究背景 根據教育部2010年調查顯示,我國大專院校學生規律運動人口,和各級學校相比規律運動率最低。有鑑於國內大學生肥胖率高、運動參與率低,將對身心健康造成負面影響之狀況令人憂心。因此了解有無規律運動者其行為背後的影響因子為何,並探究使用介入方式可建立大學生養成規律運動習慣,減少肥胖產生等課題便相形重要。 研究方法 為了解智慧型手機載入運動應用程式(運動Apps)對大學生規律運動影響,本研究以立意取樣的方式選取南部某大學日間部學生106名進行分組研究,共發出212份問卷(包含前測106份及後測106份),實際有效問卷數前測為104份,後測為100份,共204份,回收比率為96.23%;有效樣本為100人,有效問卷比率為94.34%。本研究將回收之有效樣本以敘述性統計、因素分析、獨立樣本t檢定、卡方檢定、數分析及薛費氏事後考驗等統計方法進行資料分析。 研究結果 研究發現:(一)在運動參與種類方面,以球類運動及戶外運動為最常見的運動種類。(二)運動Apps介入前後在每週運動參與頻率方面,每週運動2次(含以下)占該組由49.1%降至30.2%,而每週運動3次以上則由50.9%增加至69.8%。而且使用運動Apps的受試者平均每週運動參與時間為376.61分鐘高於無使用運動Apps者的283.71分鐘,顯見動Apps介入對於運動頻率及時間的增加有其助益。(三)在自覺運動是否足夠方面,僅約四成的人自覺運動足夠,有六成的人自覺運動是不足的,其中自覺運動不足原因方面,以沒時間運動、沒有同伴、設備不足為最主要原因。(四)在運動態度方面,男性之運動態度在「身心健康」及「社交及自我實現」二個構面同意程度高於女性。每週運動頻率不同者在運動態度部分,也有顯著差異。再者,有使用運動Apps者之運動態度得分皆高於無使用運動Apps者。(五)在使用運動Apps 4週後,有8成的受試者覺得使用運動Apps可增加運動動機;亦有將近8成的受試者覺得本應用程式中的運動軌跡記錄(距離、平均速度、運動耗時)及熱量消耗顯示之輔助訊息設計,及近7成的受試者覺得與好友分享功能可增強其持續運動的意願。 結論 適當的使用運動Apps,對於運動參與及運動態度有一定的助益。惟運動效果在運動行為結束一段時間後即會消失,能延展介入的時間,相信在規律運動習慣的養成上能更得果效。本研究結論,可提供健康促進學校方針擬定及未來研究者作為研究設計及後續研究之參考。


Background: According to the survey from Department of Education on 2010, college students in Taiwan have less regular exercise population compared to other schools level. High obesity rate and low participation rate in exercise are current health issues of college students. Therefore, discussion about factors for not regular exercisers and studies on intervention to keep exercise routine gradually become important. Method: To understand how the exercise Apps for smartphone affect exercise pattern of college students, the compare group design was conducted at a southern university. Among 106 participants, 212 questionnaires were sent out. Valid response for pre-test is 104 out of 106, and 100 out of 106 for post-test. Total response rate is 96.23%. Valid sample size is 100 and the valid response rate is 94.34%.Descriptive statistics, factor analysis, independent sample t test, chi-square test, ANOVA and Scheffe test were applied for data analysis. Result: The result shows ball games and out-door sport are two most common types of exercise. After intervention, in the experimental group, the percentage of students exercise less than 2 times a week decrease from 49.1% to 30.2% and the percentage of those who exercise more than three times a week increases from 50.9% to 69.8%. Also, the average weekly exercise time of the experimental group is 376.61minutes which is longer than the average 283.91 minutes of the control group. The effect of intervention is significant. There are 60% of participants perceive their amount of exercise is not enough. The main reasons include busy, no companions and insufficient equipments. The experimental group has better evaluation on exercise attitude, and so do those exercise more. After the use of exercise Apps for 4 weeks, 80% of users agree it enhance the motivation, due to the design of track recording, calorie consumption calculation and function of sharing with friends. Conclusion: The application of exercise Apps on smart phones benefits participation rate and attitude toward exercise. However, the effect does not persist long. To prolong the intervention period may have profound effect to build up regular exercise behavior. The result provides reference for future policy making for health promoting school.


吳春輝(2011)。目標導向之運動雲端管理服務。 臺灣大學資訊工程學研究所學位論文, 1-43。


