  • 學位論文


The Impact of Community Identity and Website Availability on Consumers' Online Shopping Behavior: A Case Study of Online Shopping in Vietnam

指導教授 : 莊苑仙


在21世紀,人們在資訊技術上取得了長足的進步,並且可以上網的行動設備得到了廣泛的普及, 讓人們可以了解世界各地的所有訊息。同時,線上購物也在不斷發展,互聯網允許消費者通過線上購物網站平台隨時隨地購物。在越南,以網路購物為人們的概念仍然很新,但是年輕人佔大多數,所以網路購物的發展將非常強勁。隨著線上購物消費者數量的增長,供應商尚未清楚地了解最明顯影響越南消費者線上購物行為的因素。因此,本研究中,將基於社群認同、網路購物環境的因素去了解消費者購物行為。在收集資料部分,本研究使用有意抽樣方法,主要的目標受眾是使用Tiki網站購物的消費者。問卷已在線分發,並且總共收集了274個有效問卷。研究結果表明,社區認同和網站可用性對消費者信任和購物態度具有積極影響。最後,該研究為開發在線購物提供了具體建議,並為線上購物供應商清晰地了解越南消費的心理提供了參考。


In the 21st century, people have made great progress in information technology, and mobile devices that can access the Internet have been widely popularized, so that people can have enough information about all parts of the world. At the same time, online shopping is also evolving, and the Internet allows consumers to shop anytime and anywhere through online shopping website platforms. In Vietnam, the concept of online shopping is still very new, but the majority of young people, so the development of online shopping will be very strong. As the number of online shoppers grows, vendors have yet to clearly understand the factors that most clearly influence Vietnamese consumers' online shopping behavior. Therefore, in this study, consumers' shopping behavior will be understood based on factors such as community identity and online shopping environment. In the data collection section, this study uses an intentional sampling method. The main target audience is consumers who use the Tiki shopping network to shop. The questionnaire has been distributed online and a total of 274 valid questionnaires have been collected. The findings show that community identity and website availability have a positive impact on consumer trust and shopping attitudes. Finally, the study provides specific suggestions for developing online shopping and provides a reference for online shopping vendors to clearly understand the psychology of consumption in Vietnam.


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