  • 學位論文


Analysis and Competitive Strategies on Magic Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 趙仁方 胡靖


表演藝術當中的魔術表演近來來十分熱門,並隨著競爭對手的增加,競爭優勢的差異等因素,使得競爭激烈化,也因而形成了產業化的趨勢。因此,本研究以魔術產業為研究重點,採用質性研究的深度訪談法,與魔術產業中三種不同類型的受訪者:魔術表演公司經營者、職業型魔術表演者、業餘型魔術表演者,共計十人進行訪談;並使用參與觀察法,親身投入魔術業界,進行資料蒐集。 研究結果顯示,公司經營者及職業表演者為魔術產業價值鏈的重要連結點,而業餘表演者輔以人力資源及技術提供的角色。再者,多元化及國際化可作為魔術產業經營策略的方針,且專業創新可創造競爭優勢。最後透過麥可‧波特的五力分析,以瞭解產業內的競爭強度及供應商的談判力量較具威脅性,購買方的談判力量為中等,其餘為低。 因此,本研究認為,魔術業界需更有國際觀,並跳脫出以往模仿的框架,才可取得更強烈的競爭優勢。並可更進一步,使台灣魔術揚名中外,開啟另一片天。


Magic performance among Performing Arts becomes very popular recently, and with the increase of competitors, competitive differentiation and other factors, making the competition fierce, and thus formed the industrial trend. Therefore, the study sets magic industry as the focus of research, using In-depth interviews with three different types of respondents in magic industry: magic company managers, professional type magic performers, and amateur type magic performers, a total of ten people were interviewed; also, using participant observation, sets researcher himself into the industry, and collecting information. Research results show that the company managers and professional performers are important junction point of magic industry value chain, and amateur performers complemented by the role of human resources and technology providing. Furthermore, diversification and internationalization could be a good guideline of magic industry business strategies, and professional innovation could create competitive advantage. Finally, through Michael Porter's Five Forces Analysis, realized that industry competitive strength and bargaining power of suppliers are with high level threatening, bargaining power of buyers is moderate, and the remaining is low. Therefore, the study suggests that magic industry needs more international outlook and escape from the conventional framework of imitation, in order to receive a stronger competitive advantage. And further, it could make Taiwan and Taiwan’s magic performance famous enough to open bright future.


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