  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation of Network Management System Integrated Communication Software

指導教授 : 黃永成


資訊科技的發展日新月異,隨著企業服務e 化,網路系統架構日漸複雜,各類型網路設備需求量大增,網路管理人員的職責早已不再只是設定交換器、路由器、伺服器或者環境佈線,還必須確保網路系統運作是否正常、穩定。尤其網路設備彼此之間緊密配合,當某一節點出現狀況時,可能會導致一連串的服務中斷,繼而影響網路的使用效率 網路服務的中斷可能造成重大影響,因此,如何在最短時間內讓網管人員獲得告警,以便在事發跡象發生時立即反應,降低可能的災情或損失。 一般常見的監控設備告警通知方式,不外乎寄發email,或是於設備外加裝簡訊發送設備,透過SMS 簡訊通知。根據市調公司Retail TouchPoints 的報告指出,由於現今網路世界的資訊量爆炸,垃圾郵件氾濫,導致民眾讀閱email 的頻率日漸下降,44%的電子郵件使用者平均一天只開啟電子郵件系統一到三次,可見透過郵件發送告警訊息,實不符合今日的需求。而SMS 簡訊則是有收費昂貴的問題,額外增加企業成本負擔。 時至今日,LINE 在台灣已擁有超過1800 萬的用戶,尼爾森民調公布的2017 LINE使用行為研究調查中顯示,高頻率使用者一天讀取該程式的次數超過31 次,可見國人對於LINE 的高依賴度,在便利性及習慣性的考量下,LINE 實為告警訊息發送的最佳介面。 本論文將經由API 程式的修改,將告警訊訊息發送至通訊軟體LINE,並透過IFTTT服務的串接,發送免費告警簡訊。




Due to the improvement of information technology, the network system structure becomes more complex, the demand for various types of network equipment has greatly increased. The responsibility of network administrators is no longer just setting up switches, routers, servers or environments. The network manager must also ensure that the network system is functional properly and stably. Especially, network devices closely cooperate with each other. When a node is in a situation, it may cause a series of service interruptions, which may affect the efficiency of network usage. The disruption of the network services may cause a serious impact. Therefore, it's very important to know that how to get the alarm information efficiently to respond immediatel, and reduce possible disasters or losses. Usually, E-mail is used for common alarm notification for monitoring equipment, SMS is another usual solution by the additional external SMS device. According to the report of the market adjustment company Retail TouchPoints, 44% of email users read emails 1 to 3 times per day. This shows that e-mail does not meet today's needs. As for SMS transmission, it has the problem of high fees and increase additional business cost loadings. Today, LINE has more than 18 million users in Taiwan. According to the 2017 LINE Usage Behavior Study survey released by Nelson Polls, high-frequency users use the program more than 31 times a day. This shows that people have been used to LINE. In the convenience and habitual considerations, LINE is the best solution for sending alarm messages. This paper will send the alert message to the communication application LINE through the modification of the API program, and send a free alert message via the IFTTT service.


Cacti monitoring system LINE IFTTT SNMP


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