  • 學位論文


The Research of Relationship among Job Stress, Job Burnout and Turnover Intention when Organizational Citizenship Behavior,Organizational Justice are Taken as Interfering Variables – Take Judicial Registry Civil Server in Kaohsiung Court and Pingtung County Court as Examples

指導教授 : 李樑堅 鄧穎懋


台灣書記官勤務繁重且人力設置普遍不足,相關人員常須超時工作又常有結案的時間壓力,因此,台灣書記官的離職率居高不下。而影響離職意圖的相關因素有工作壓力、職業倦怠、組織公平和組織公民行為等,為了了解影響離職意圖的相關因素對書記官離職的影響,本研究建立書記官離職模型,並使用SPSS統計工具進行分析。 本研究針對高屏地區書記官進行問卷調查並發出200份問卷,然後將問卷回收之資料以敘述性統計、效度分析、信度分析、迴歸分析等方法進行分析,以驗證本研究之假設。 研究結果顯示,職業倦怠正向影響離職意圖、工作壓力正向影響離職意圖、組織公平負向影響離職傾向、組織公民行為對(職業倦怠正向影響離職意圖)有負向干擾效果,但是,組織公平對(工作壓力正向影響離職意圖)不具有干擾效果。 本研究對高屏地區書記官未來人力資源的運用建議如下: 1. 政府可以建立工作輪調制度或是藉由工作升遷,讓公務員可從事新工作以降低書記官的職業倦怠感,進而降低書記官的離職傾向。 2. 政府可以加強職業課程訓練,以培養書記官抗壓能力或政府可以暢通書記官調派到其他縣市的機會,以降低書記官的外宿費用與通勤時間,進而降低其工作壓力,然後便可間接降低書記官的離職傾向。 3. 政府可以藉由透明化升遷考核程序與工作績效考核程序,以提升書記官對其所處組織的組織公平知覺,如此便可間接降低書記官的離職傾向。 4. 政府可以藉由提高書記官的使命感,以提高書記官對其組織的向心力,進而提高其組織公民行為,如此,書記官的職業倦怠感對其離職傾向的影響效果便會降低。


Due to limited human resource and heavy work load for judicial registry civil servers in Taiwan, the turnover rate is getting higher in recent years. The main reasons for the turnover are job stress, job burnout, organizational fairness and citizen behavior. This research aims to establish leave job model of registry civil servers by employing the SPSS to analyze the above factors. This research will collect comments and opinions from judicial registry civil servers in southern Taiwan. I will collect 200 questionnaires from judicial registry civil servers. The data collected will be analyzed by descriptive statistics, validity analysis, reliability analysis, regression analysis for justifying the hypothesis built in this research. According to the research result, job burnout showed a positive relative to the turnover intention; job stress was positive relative to the turnover intention; organizational fairness indicated a negative relative to the turnover intention, while organizational citizen behavior possessed the negative moderating effect for job burnout was positive relative to the turnover intention. However, that organizational fairness did not possess the moderating effect for job stress was positive relative to the turnover intention. The suggestions about the human research management for judicial registry civil server in Ping Tung County Court and Kaohsiung Court are shown as follows: 1. Government can build working rotation system or changing the position of employee by reducing job burnout degree of employees or by offering new jobs fro them because the turnover intention will decrease when the job burnout degree of employee reduces. 2. Government can increase the job training by promoting the compressive ability of judicial registry employees. Government also can also offer other job opportunities to execute relevant jobs for registry employees in different places while saving the accommodation costs and commuting time. All of above activities may lessen the job stress of judicial registry employees since the turnover intention will decrease when the job stress degree of employee reduces. 3. Government should standardize the job performance and promotion evaluation process for increasing the organization fairness perception of judicial registry employees, which also can reduce the turnover intention of them. 4. Government may advance the mission of registry employee by promoting the centripetal force and loyalty of registry employee for the organization. In doing so, the organization citizen behavior of them can be strengthened and promoted. The turnover intention of judicial registry employees due to work fatigue and job burnout will decrease when the organization citizen behavior of employee is promoted.


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