  • 學位論文


To investigate the factors of smuggling by sea -Inspection Unit and smugglers of views

指導教授 : 吳有龍


臺灣四處環海,配合國家藍海政策,且隨著國家民主開放,我國海岸地區亦由原先戒備狀態轉由開放,成立海岸巡防署專責海洋事務。但是開放海洋以來,最嚴重也是最常被注意是犯罪行為係以走私、偷渡為主,不僅因其發生頻繁,同時也因牽涉到兩岸與國際事務,進而引發國家主權、人道主義、國家安全及經貿政策等諸多爭議。 本研究者於海巡署服務以來,對於走私香菸、香菇等相關模式有所了解,但對於走私行為仍無法深入得知前中後犯罪模式及技巧,深覺此議題有待深入探討,以查緝者及走私者角度雙方對應,從中取得相關觀點,提出有利各查緝走私單位之意見。因此,透過近年來海巡署及相關單位查獲走私案例,以蒐集、整理、統計、分析等方法,並透過深入訪談及實證分析等方式,找出預防走私犯罪之方法及提升相關查緝作為方法。 研究結果發現,走私者的背景、模式及司法影響對於走私行為係有層層聯繫關係,多數走私者因教育程度較低,並不認為此行為為犯罪之行為,走私行為對於走私者而言往往認為僅係一種職業,係獲取收入來源之一種管道,走私行為產生係市場供需影響的結果,惟對於國家稅收、財政、安全及經濟仍有深遠影響。 研究建議主要區分查緝行為、法令修正及廣布人脈三大重點,在查緝部分建議建立一套單位間合作機制,統一查緝單位事權由中央政府主導,另建議建立與其他國家間的共同打擊犯罪機制。在法令部分,建議依現時所需,研擬符合現狀及可嚇阻犯罪性之處罰,管制物品品項應隨市場需求及國家政策之所需,適時調整開放或禁止。在廣布人脈部分,可依現況適時遴佈可掌握或提供走私線情人員,以全員情報之構想,掌握不法走私行為動態,即時提供線情查緝不法之走私犯罪,期成為預防走私行為發生之範例。


走私行為 海巡署 查緝單位


Due to the waters have surrounding Taiwan. According to national maritime policies and democracies procedures, the shores of Taiwan have been turning from secured to opening, as a result built an enforcement agency what focus on maritime affairs, Taiwan coast guard administration (TCGA). As start as maritime policies, in seriously, the smuggling and illegal entry/exit both are main issues of criminal behavior, and noticed ordinarily. There are lots of easons,not only occurring commonly but also involved cross strait as well as national affair. In further these reasons had occurred many disputes within national sovereignty,humanism, national security and trading policies. As a researcher of this study who has been servicing in TCGA, knowledgeable on module of smuggling cigarette and mushroom, however, still do not understanding module and technic deeply, behavior of smuggling. So that the issues of smuggle are worthy to argued and discussed. In this essay lay out of views corresponding with detective and smuggler, approaching to benefit of opinions for inspect unites. Thus,utilize the method of collected, literature review, statistics, and computer analysis, depth interview and empirical analysis, in order to find out a result that to prevent smuggling and enhance inspection approaches. As a result, there are level relationships connectively in smuggling behaviour,which involved smuggler of background and module as well as justice. Most of smugglers have lower education, they did not agree that smuggle is behavior of crime, it is a kind of occupation that a technique to earn revenue. There are deeply effecting to country, such as tax income, financial, security and economic, however, the birth of smuggle is an outcome market demanding.


二、陳建勳 (1992)。臺灣走私行為之實證分析。臺北:中華經濟研究院,未出版。
