  • 學位論文

Leap Motion手勢控制之機器手臂實作

Leap Motion Gesture control robot arm implementation

指導教授 : 馮介川


機器手臂具有夾取物品及處理危機事務的能力,能為人類帶來許多方便,本論文目的為研究出多功能危機處理的機器手臂。   在社會中行動不方便的人,例如先天性癱瘓或是躺在病床上無法動彈的人,若不是從事電機機械或是電子資訊方面的工作,即使有能力買得起高科技輔助工具,但難以操作的使用方法和維護保養都使得使用上極為不便。而現在的機械手臂技術發達,從工廠自動化作業到醫療手術上都有在使用。但又如何將這門技術和人們的生活結合在一起,這就是本篇論文要去探討的。   如何做的能讓完全沒有接觸過的人不用看說明書就能輕鬆的了解機械手臂呢?我們使用Leap Motiont傳感器來控制,操作方式簡易,在使用時極為方便。不用學習繁瑣的操控技巧,不管是誰都能夠輕易上手。




The robotic arm has the ability to hold objects and deal with crisis affairs, which can bring many conveniences for humankind. The purpose of this research is to develop a multi-functional crisis robotic arm. There are many handicapped people in this society. Such as congenital paralysis or those who cannot move their body arbitrary. However, most of those people are not engaged in electrical machinery or electronic information. Therefore, even they have the ability to afford high-tech aids, the way to use and maintenance are extremely inconvenient. Now the technology of robotic arm is very fully developed. This technic can be used from factory automation to surgery. This research is to combine the technology of robotic arm and human life. However, how to let those who never touch robotic arm before can use easily without reading instructions? We use the Leap Motiont sensor to control. The way to use Leap Motiont is very easy. Do not need learn cumbersome manipulation of skills and is easy-to-follow.




[1]. 周典緯,” 輔助機械手臂”,台北市立內湖高級工業職業學校。
[2]. 陳聖君,”Android裝置控制Arduino機器人之研究”,國立雲林科技大學。
[3]. 蘇威宇,”遠端無線網路控制機器人雲端攝影系統實作”,義守大學。
[4]. Arduino 控制板介紹 http://www.makezine.com.tw/arduino255112104626495.html
[5]. Arduino Uno 介紹 http://newsletter.ascc.sinica.edu.tw/news/read_news.php?nid=2782
