  • 學位論文


Exploring the User Satisfaction for Mobile Instant Messaging Applications

指導教授 : 陳筠昀


電腦問世後,網路接續普及甚至小小的一台智慧型手機幾乎快取代電腦,智慧型手機使用者普及化,行動即時通訊軟體已逐漸地改變現代人生活的型態,也成為當今的最夯的溝通工具。因此有人發明了行動即時通訊軟體 APP, 如:Facebook、LINE 等已經讓所有人擁有便利的聯繫平台。它們與以前的 yahoo 即時通、微軟的 MSN 不同之處是只要透過行動手機即可在任何地方與他人不同背景的人文字、語音、以及視訊溝通。因此,本研究旨在探討資訊品質、系統品質、知覺易用性、知覺有用 性對使用滿意度之影響。本研究以 Google 軟 體製作問卷後再採線上發放與收集資料,研究對象主要以曾有使用過即時通訊軟體為接受調查對象,回收問卷共200 有效樣本數,資料分析採用 SPSS 軟體。研究結果顯示變數間具有相關性及高度信效度。此外結果顯示知覺有用性與知覺易用性對使用滿意度有正向之影 響;資訊品質和系統品質對知覺有用性與知覺易用性有正向之影響;而知覺易用 性對於知覺有用性有正向之影響。最後資料分析結果,希望能提供行動即時 通訊軟體開發者與業者對於行動即時通訊軟體的推行及策略發展、行動即時通訊 軟體的整體行銷走向,亦可提供未來研究學者對於行動即時通訊軟之使用滿意度 為研究的參考指標。


After the advent of the computer and the network continues to spread, the small smart phones almost replace the computer. As smart phone become popular, mobile instant messaging applications has gradually changed the modern life and has become the most popular communication tools. The inventions of instant messaging applications, such as, Facebook, LINE provide all people a convenient communication platform. Unlike the previous yahoo instant messaging, Microsoft’s MSN, mobile instant messaging applications allow people to use mobile phone to communicate with others anywhere from different backgrounds of people around world. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to discuss the satisfaction of mobile instant messaging applications. This study examines the impact of information quality, system quality, perceived ease of use, and perceived usefulness on the use of satisfaction. The study used Google software to create online surveys and to collect data from who have used instant messaging applications. 200 valid samples were collected and SPSS software was used to analyze the data. The results showed that a significant correlation between variables. The measurements are stable with high in reliability and validity. The regression results showed that the perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use have a positive effect on the use of satisfaction. Information quality and system quality have a positive effect on perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. Perceived ease of use has a positive impact on perceived usefulness. Finally, the results of the analysis hope to provide mobile instant messaging applications developers and industry for future implementation or development of mobile instant messaging applications. The results can also provide researchers as references for studying the user satisfaction of mobile instant messaging applications in the future.


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