  • 學位論文


Discussion on the Interactive Management Mechanism of Human-Monkey: A Case Study of Shoushan National Natural Park

指導教授 : 李建興


本文主要探討人猴互動管理機制──以壽山國家自然公園為探討的案例。為什麼以壽山為探討對象,因它是一個淺山(里山),人猴互動頻率最為頻繁密切的地方,根據國外的案例,零星猴群的危害有可能演變成為很可怕的「都市猴群」惡夢,並有可能增添人猴共通疾病的傳播,例如新冠肺炎,如果演變成由猴群來傳播,將會是整個臺灣的災難! 近年來,壽山登山遊客與日俱增,人猴衝突日益嚴重,相關單位以「不餵食、不挑釁(不干擾)、不接觸」三不政策(以下簡稱「三不」),做為人猴互動管理機制,委託傳媒政策宣導、到校進行環境教育及在園區內廣泛立牌警示,成效卻緩不濟急。劉羽芯(2021)經研究發現,主管單位和地方團體長年宣導禁止餵食,高雄市野生動物保育自治條例也有明文規定,但仍然無法斷絕餵食行為。登山遊客對立牌警示視而不見,餵食常客對三不政策宣導充耳不聞,鑑此,在人的部份,藉由教育宣導遊客來提升人猴互動的正確觀念,使登山遊客主動與牠們保持適當距離,達到,禁絕人猴互動;在獼猴的管理上,如何減少獼猴的錯誤行為(搶食、攻擊) 以維護登山遊客的安全,並且希望控制其活動範圍,以避免繼續往人口密集處移動。 最後,經由參考臺灣各地區對人猴互動管理的經驗、訪談一般民眾及特別深度訪談產、官、學三方專家學者們的意見,做出對壽山國家自然公園人猴互動管理更好的建議:如何運用志工宣導提升一般民眾對壽山人猴互動管理的認知,並且加強巡查、執法行政效能。最後期望能找到解決方法提供予各地區需改善人猴衝突問題之參考。


This paper mainly explores the interactive management mechanism of man-monkey, taking Shoushan National Natural Park as a case study. Why take Shoushan as the object of discussion, because it is a shallow mountain (Lishan), the place where the frequency of human-monkey interaction is most frequent and close, according to the case outside the island, the harm of sporadic monkey groups may evolve into a terrible nightmare of "urban monkey group", and may increase the spread of common diseases of humans and monkeys, such as new crown pneumonia, if it evolves into monkey groups to spread, it will be a disaster for the whole of Taiwan! In recent years, the number of mountaineering tourists in Shoushan has increased day by day, and the conflict between humans and monkeys has become increasingly serious, and the relevant units have taken the three noes policy of "no feeding, no provocation (no interference) and no contact" (hereinafter referred to as "three noes"),as the interactive management mechanism of human monkeys, entrusting media policy publicity, environmental education to schools and widely erecting warnings in the park, but the results have not been urgent. Liu Yuxin (2021) found through research that the competent units and local groups have been advocating the prohibition of feeding for many years, Kaohsiung City's Wildlife Conservation Autonomy Ordinance also has explicit provisions, but it is still impossible to cut off feeding behavior. Mountaineering tourists turn a blind eye to the anti-sign warning, feeding regular customers to the three noes policy propaganda deaf, in view of this, in the human part, through education and publicity of tourists to enhance the correct concept of human-monkey interaction, so that mountaineering tourists take the initiative to maintain an appropriate distance from them, to achieve, prohibit human-monkey interaction; In the management of macaques, how to reduce the misconduct of macaques (food grabbing, attacking) to maintain the safety of mountaineers, and it is hoped to control their range of activities to avoid continuing to move to densely populated areas. Finally, by referring to the experience of human-monkey interaction management in various regions in Taiwan, interviewing the general public and conducting special in-depth interviews with experts and scholars from industry, officials and academia, we made better suggestions for the interactive management of man-monkey in Shoushan National Natural Park: how to use volunteer publicity to enhance the general public's understanding of the interactive management of Shoushan man-monkey, and strengthen the administrative efficiency of inspection and law enforcement. Finally, it is hoped that solutions can be found to inform the need to improve the problem of man-monkey conflict in various regions.


