  • 學位論文


The Influence of Learning Interest and Learning Attitude on the Learning Effectiveness of National Defense Education under the Share Start Teaching Method

指導教授 : 吳佳純


「覆巢之下無完卵」沒有國防就沒有國家安全,「全民國防」已經是全球化的是一項理念,以台灣地區較多填鴨式教學環境之中,如何使學生對多元且範圍廣泛的全民國防教育課程,產生學習興趣與學習態度的改變,進一步提昇全民國防教育的學習成效是本研究的目的。本研究主要是要探討學思達教學法對於高中職生修習全民國防教育學習態度、學習興趣與學習成效之關係,應用這樣的創新教學方式,以提供後續全民國防教育人員實際授課的參考,以解決現今全民國防教育因為升學主義當道而被忽略的窘境。 依據本研究目的並結合資料分析的結果,茲就主要發現說明摘要如下: 一、在學思達教學法下,學生之學習興趣會顯著的影響學習全民國防教育課程之學習成效。 二、在學思達教學法下,學生之學習態度學習對全民國防教育課程之學習成效有顯著的影響。研究中發現當學生對某一項學科產生了學習興趣,就會專心並持續花費時間去探討鑽研,進而從中提升學習效果,且在達到所設定的學習目標後而獲得心理層次的滿足。


“When the nest is overturned, no eggs can stay unbroken.” When there is no national defense, there will be no national security. “National defense” is already a global concept. In most spoon-feeding teaching environment in Taiwan, how to enhance students’ understanding of a diverse and extensive national defense curriculum and accordingly elevate their learning interest accompanied by change of learning attitude is the aim of this research, with the hope of further enhancing learning effectiveness of national defense education. The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship of the effect of theshare start teaching method on high school students’ learning attitude, interest, and achievements in studying national defense, and to apply this innovative teaching method to provide reference for the actual teaching of national defense education with the aim to solve the dilemma of being neglected which current national defense education faces as a result of credentialism. According to the purpose of this study and the results of the data analysis, the main findings are as follows: (1) Under theshare start teaching method, students’ interest in learning will significantly affect the learning effectiveness of national defense education curriculum. Second, under theshare start teaching method, students’ learning attitude has a significant impact on the learning effectiveness of national defense education curriculum. The study found that when students have a learning interest in a subject, they will concentrate on it and continue to spend time to explore the study, and then improve the learning effect, and to achieve the set of learning goals and get the satisfaction psychologically.


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