  • 學位論文


The Clinical Physiological Effect of Aerobic Exercise in Adults with Metabolic Syndrome: A Meta-Analytic Review

指導教授 : 丘周萍
共同指導教授 : 馬震中(Chen-Chung Ma)


研究背景與目的:新陳代謝症候群為近年來常見的內分泌失調症。醫學證實,罹患此疾病的患者有較高機率出現其他共病症,因此專家學者開始著手研發更有效的治療策略。但目前醫學界中被證實有效的治療策略,仍有無法克服之缺點與限制。早先的文獻指出,有氧運動對於新陳代謝症候群患者的治療可能有正面幫助。然而,對於有氧運動確實的效果仍有待探討。因此,本篇研究希望能使用統合分析之研究方法,探討有氧運動是否對新陳代謝症候群患者之生理層面影響的效果。 研究方法:本研究利用電子資料庫及人工檢索搜尋自2008年1月迄2013年1月止,所有出版及未出版的中、英文研究資料。參考的電子資料庫包括PubMED、MEDLINE、CINAHL、ProQuest 以及中文期刊服務(CEPS)五個資料庫。使用的關鍵字有(1)代謝症候群與其症狀、(2)有氧運動等相關詞彙,進行搜尋過濾相關的文章。研究者依據“納入標準”和“文章品質”篩選文獻,並參考擷取各篇文獻的研究設計方法、介入方式及結果。運用Comprehensive Meta-Analysis軟體2.0版計算成效值、95%信賴區間、異質性(Cochran’s Q)、出版偏差,進而繪製樹狀圖。 結果:在整體成效值方面為0.533(p =0.000),95%信賴區間為0.401至0.872,達統計上的顯著正向效益,顯示有氧運動的介入對於代謝症後群成人患者的腰圍、三酸甘油脂、高密度脂蛋白有正面的療效,可改善症狀。 結論:本研究就有氧運動介入對罹患代謝症候群成人患者的療效,運用統合分析之技巧,以求得成效值,於此,總結如下:有氧運動介入對改善代謝症候群症狀中的腰圍、高密度脂蛋白、以及三酸甘油脂具有正面療效。然而,針對其更進一步的運動方式、運動強度、以及運動頻率的標準化之組合策略仍有待未來更進一步之研究調查。


Background and purpose: Metabolic syndrome (Mets) is one of the most common endocrinology disorder in recent year. Patients with metabolic syndrome have a high ration of comorbidity and morbidity, therefore the effective treatment is very important for them. So far, the current treatment methods still have some disadvantages or limitation that shall not be overcome. Previous studies suggested that exercise could bring positive effect on patients with Mets. However, there is no empirical evidence show that aerobic exercise has a positive behavioral improvement on the patients with Mets. The purpose of this study is conducting a meta-analytic review to examine the effect of aerobic exercise on patients with metabolic syndrome Methods: A comprehensive search in published and unpublished literature from 2008 to August 2013, it was performed both in electronic databases, PubMED、MEDLINE、CINAHL、ProQuest, CEPS, and manual search from the reference lists of articles. According to the key words search, such as: (1)metabolic syndrome and the description of symptoms, (2) the relation key words of aerobic exercise, rehabilitation, the appropriate articles were selected. Reviewer determined study eligibility based on inclusion criteria, rated study quality, and extracted information on study methods, design, intervention, and results. Using the Comprehensive Meta-analysis (V.2) software calculate the effect size (Cohen’s d), its 95% confidence interval, the heterogeneity (Cochran’s Q), publication bias and to draw the forest plot. Results: The total effectiveness of the value is 0.533 (p = 0.000), 95% confidence interval from 0.401 to 0.872, statistically significant positive benefits up, showing aerobic exercise intervention group for adults with metabolic syndrome after the waistline, triglycerides and high-density lipoproteins have a positive effect, can improve X symptoms. Conclusion:The study of aerobic exercise intervention for adult patients suffering from metabolic syndrome effect, the use of techniques of meta-analysis, in order to achieve effective value, here, are summarized as follows: aerobic exercise intervention to improve the symptoms of metabolic syndrome in waist circumference, high-density lipoprotein protein, and triglyceride levels have a positive effect. However, for its further movement, exercise intensity, and exercise frequency combinations standardization of policy remains to be further investigation of future research


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