  • 學位論文


A Cognitive Analysis for Zeithmal’s Model of Perceived Value

指導教授 : 張寧


以往購買行為的研究較多在探討影響消費者購買意願的因素及程度,對消費者知覺價值與購買決策過程的研究較少。Zeithmal的知覺價值模型符合一般人的直覺,是相當有力的觀點,但是否符合消費者內隱的心理認知架構仍待驗證。本研究因此採用資訊整合理論(Information Integration Theory, IIT)的實驗方法驗證Zeithmal的模型。 在Zeithmal的模型中,內部屬性、外部屬性、知覺品質、知覺犧牲及高層次概念等變項會影響知覺價值。本研究以品牌代表外部屬性,以購買時間代表知覺非貨幣價格,連同價格等三項因素的關連作為自變項,以及與知覺價值間為正相關的購買意願做為依變項,對Zeithmal的模型進行局部的驗證。 本研究以資訊整合理論為實驗方法,採2×2×2之實驗設計,操弄變項為品牌、價格及時間,每個變項各有2個水準。為提升外部效度,本研究實驗設計採真實產品及水準,具備外部效度之知覺價值實驗。藉由變項水準間不同組合的假設情境,測量受測者購買意願的變化,以探討受測者的資訊整合結合模式。 研究結果顯示大部分的受測者對於上述三項影響乳品購買意願的因素,多數以相加模式個別整合在「品牌與價格」、「價格與時間」及「品牌與時間」等三組資訊的結合模式,均以相加模式最多,同時也顯示Zeithmal的模型具有心理認知的效度。若將多數受測者的整體模式視為平均模式,進行權重分析,不論在等權重或不等權重模式分析,均呈現時間權重值高於價格權重值,價格權重值高於品牌權重值的趨勢。在人口統計變項的分析方面,職業與每月可支配所得對乳品的購買意願有顯著差異,從事服務業與學生的受測者,以及每月可支配所得20,000以下之受測者相對有較高購買乳品的意願。因此業者可以推出高品質高價格的乳品,吸引高可支配所的消費者購買乳品意願。另外,不同品牌偏好的受測者,對品牌、價格及時間權重等三項因素的權重值皆有顯著差異。因此業者可針對不同品牌偏好之消費者做不同的行銷策略,偏好S牌之消費者相對受價格影響較大,因此可針對偏好S牌之消費者做價格促銷;偏好K牌之消費者相對受時間與品牌的影響較大,因此減少消費者的購買時間或提升品牌價值,可能可以提升消費者的購買意願。


Previous studies on purchase behavior discussed the factors and degree influencing consumer purchase intention more, while explored consumer perceived value and purchase decision-making less. Zeithmal’s perceived value model conforms to ordinary people’s intuition, which makes it a strong point of view, but it is still need to be verified that whether it conforms to consumers’ implicit psychology cognitive architecture. Therefore, experimental method of information integration theory (IIT) was used to validate Zeithmal’s model in this study. In Zeithmal’s model, the variables such as intrinsic attributes, extrinsic attributes, perceived quality, perceived sacrifice, and high-level abstractions will affect perceived value. In this study, with the correlation among the three factors which were extrinsic attributes represented by brand, perceived non-monetary price represented by purchase time, and price as independent variables, and purchase intention which was positively correlated with perceived value serves as dependent variable, partial validation on Zeithmal’s model was conducted. Taking information integration theory as experimental method, this study adopted 2 × 2 × 2 experimental design and manipulated variables as brand, price, and time, with each variable having two standards. To enhance external validity, the study adopted real products and standards for experimental design as well as the experiment of perceived value with external validity. Through the hypothetical scenarios of different combinations between variable standards, the changes of the subjects’ purchase intention were measured to explore the subjects’ information integration binding mode. The results showed that most of the subjects, for these three factors affecting purchase intention of dairy products, mostly integrated the three groups binding mode of “brand and price”, “price and time” and “brand and time” by combined mode, showing that Zeithmal’s model has the validity of mental cognition. If the majority of the subjects’ overall patterns were considered as average model to conduct weight analysis, whether in equal or unequal weight model, time weigh value will be higher than price weight value and price weight value will be higher than brand weight value. In the analysis of demographic variables, subjects with different occupations and monthly disposable income had significant differences on purchase intention of dairy products, and subjects working in services and being students as well as subjects with less than $ 20,000 of monthly disposable income had relatively high purchase intention of dairy products. So, dairy industry can deliver high-quality and high-priced dairy products to attract consumers with high disposable income to buy dairy products. In addition, subjects with different brand preferences had significant differences on the weight values of the three factors - brand, price, and time. Therefore, dairy industry can make different marketing strategies for consumers with different brand preferences. For instance, if consumers with preference for S brand are greatly influenced by price, price promotion can be made for consumers with for preference for S brand; if consumers with preference for K brand are greatly influenced by time and brand, consume purchase time can be reduced or brand value can be enhanced, so as to enhance consumer purchase intention.




