  • 學位論文


Applying perceived anonymity, social anxiety, and group norms to investigate social group relations and the behavior of social networks

指導教授 : 吳有龍
共同指導教授 : 陶幼慧(Yu-Hui Tao)


儘管網路環境朝向多元化的發展,但其所強調「互動」這項本質並沒有因此而改變。社群網站服務是近年來最熱門的網路應用服務之一,社群網站能夠使擁有相同興趣和背景的網站使用者聚集在一起,藉由交流互動建立起人脈網路。 匿名性(anonymity)是網路環境中一種共通的特性,在網路環境中由於其匿名的特性,人們能夠在虛擬世界中展示出真實的自我,而不用擔心因為外在或是他人批評等因素所影響。 本研究試圖了解使用者所感知的匿名性,其並非是一個固定的環境狀態,而是隨著社群網站的使用而改變。這種使用者感知的匿名性是否與社交焦慮以及群體規範之間有某種關係存在,而這些關係是否會對社群成員間的互動造成影響,進而改變使用者在社群網站中的參與行為。 從研究結果中可以得知,當社群使用者所感知的匿名性處於較低的情況下,能夠有效的提升社群成員間的關係,進而使社群成員更加願意參與社群網站,也因此社群的經營者須努力打破匿名性的隔閡,使社群成員間建立起良好且穩定的社群關係,才能進而提升社群使用者的參與意願。


Although the network environment moves towards a diversified development, the essence of interactiion has not changed. In recent years, social networking site service is one of the most popular Internet application services. Social networking sites can attract the users who have same interests and backgrounds to come together and establish networks of contacts via interaction. Anonymity is a common feature in the network environment, because the characteristics of anonymity people can show their true selves in the network environment and not affected by worrying about their own appearances or others’ criticism. This study attempts to explore the user perceived anonymity because it is not a fixed environment state but is changing with the social networking sites in use. The issues exist whether the user perceived anonymity has any relationship with social anxiety and group norms, which in terms affect the interaction among community members, and then further change the user behavior participating in Social networking sites. The research results have shown that when the social networking users perceived less anonymity, it can effectively improve their relations and enable their willingness to participate in more social networking site. Therefore the management of social networking sites need to work on breaking the barriers of anonymity for establishing a good and stable social relationshipts that will enhancethe social network users’ higher willingness to participate in more social networking site.


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