  • 學位論文


Discussion on disease vector control in medical institutions in agricultural areas

指導教授 : 郭光明


背景:臺灣位處熱帶及亞熱帶海島型氣候,其氣候特徵均適合蚊蠅等病媒害蟲發育、生長及繁殖,尤其於夏季,病媒蚊侵擾狀況甚鉅。個案醫院位處農業區中心,院區本身與頂樓招牌的大型燈光容易吸引蚊蟲,院內經常受到蚊子、蒼蠅等不同的病媒害蟲騷擾,故執行多種防治方式。 目的:本研究針對防治方式成效進行分析,以利個案醫院確認防治方式是否符合效益。 方法:本研究採實驗法,以高雄市燕巢區角宿里某準醫學中心於2018年1月1日到2019年12月31日期間執行各項實驗以及捕捉之蚊蠅數量進行分析,藉以探討個案醫院病媒防治方式成效 結果:2019年開始執行改善方案後,針對捕捉數量進行統計分析,結果顯示,捕捉數量從2018年每月平均212.083隻下降至185.917隻,顯示整體防治成效良好。針對薄荷發放量及教育訓練場次與捕捉量進行相關分析,皆呈現負相關,但並無顯著差異(P = 0.990),溫度及濕度與捕捉數量的部分則呈現正相關,但僅有濕度部分具有顯著差異(P = 0.005),另外針對不同燈光顏色捕捉數量進行分析,白光環境每月平均捕捉134.667隻;黃光環境每月平均捕捉51.250隻,且具有顯著性差異(P = 0.036),結果顯示白光較能吸引蚊蠅。 結論:本研究使用綜合推拉防治,減少病媒害蟲騷擾,改善醫院環境品質,此研究結果可提供位處農業區的醫療機構作為病媒防治的參考,減少病媒害蟲騷擾,降低傳播疾病的機會,為民眾及員工的健康把關。


Background and purpose: The case hospital is located in the center of the agricultural area. The large lights in the hospital area and the signboard on the top floor attract mosquitoes. To the harassment of different vector pests such as mosquitoes and flies, so a variety of control methods are implemented. The effectiveness of the prevention and treatment methods is analyzed to facilitate the case hospitals to confirm whether the prevention and treatment methods are in line with the benefits. Materials and Methods: This study used experimental methods to analyze the number of mosquitoes and flies carried out by a quasi-medical center in Jiasuli, Yanchao District, Kaohsiung City from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2019, to explore cases Effectiveness of hospital vector control methods. Results and Conclusions: After the implementation of the improvement plan in 2019, a statistical analysis of the number of catches was conducted. The results showed that the number of catches dropped from 212.083 per month to 185.917 per month in 2018, indicating that the overall prevention and control results were good. Relevant analysis of the distribution of mint and the number of education and training sessions and the capture amount showed a negative correlation, but there was no significant difference (P=0.990). The part of temperature and humidity and the amount of capture showed a positive correlation, but only the humidity part had Significant difference (P=0.005), in addition to the analysis of the number of different light color captures, the results show that white light is more attractive to mosquitoes and flies.


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