  • 學位論文


A Study of Business Model for Instant Messaging App of Smart Phone

指導教授 : 孫志彬
共同指導教授 : 曹以明(I-Ming Chao)




With the popularization of 3G mobile networks, smart phones have become the mainstream mobile communications technology. The inseparable relationship between human and products of technology has also triggered the innovation of business model. New generations are accustomed to use the social networks as a main tool for communication and contact, which has not only driven the rise of social networking sites, but also facilitated the rapid growth of instant messaging apps. Combined with the collection and organization of relevant literature, this study has taken the popular instant messaging apps as the samples to conduct a business model analysis. Among the various instant messaging apps, “LINE”, “WhatsApp”, “Tencent QQ”, “WeChat” and “Skype” are the most outstanding representatives. Thus, this study has applied the operation models of these most popular instant messaging apps to support the business model analysis, and the following conclusions have been obtained: due to the fierce competition of the instant messaging apps, one must emphasize its strengths and market positioning in the face of competitors. Since the application of mobile payment on instant messaging apps has become more mature and extensive, the electronic wallet payment service has become a new popular function. In addition, the security, privacy and other related measures of apps also have to be enhanced in response to the network information security.


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