  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationship of Service Quality, Brand Image and Customer Loyalty for the Consumers of Specialty Coffee Shop.

指導教授 : 劉姚伶


本研究的目的在於瞭解不同統計變項的消費者對高雄某精品咖啡店之服務品質、品牌形象與顧客忠誠度差異性分析;並探討服務品質、品牌形象與顧客忠誠三者間的相關性;並根據分析結果提出建議提供給業者參考。本研究採問卷調查的方式,對高雄某精品咖啡店的消費者進行便利抽樣問卷調查,利用SPSS 22.0版軟體進行統計分析,包括敘述統計、信度分析、獨立樣本t檢定、多因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析等。研究結果顯示,發現不同統計變項的消費者對於服務品質、品牌形象與顧客忠誠度只有部分顯著性差異。而服務品質、品牌形象與顧客忠誠度三者的相關分析中,只有服務品質與品牌形象彼此之間達正相關性,而顧客忠誠度對服務品質及品牌形象之間不具相關性。表示精品咖啡店服務品質愈好,其品牌形象愈高;但是與顧客忠誠度卻無相關性。因此建議精品咖啡店業者要做好服務品質及持續推動銷售活動,加強塑造品牌形象,以提高消費者再購意願。


This study aimed at understanding the differences among service quality, brand image and customer loyalty, and also exploring the correlations among service quality, brand image and customer loyalty for different independent variable specialty coffee shops of consumers. Meanwhile, related recommendations are presented for the coffee dealers as references according to research results. This study applied convenience sampling method to conduct the survey, consumers of specialty coffee shops was used as research subject, was used for statistic analysis SPSS-22.0 soft ware, including Descriptive statistics, Reliability analysis, Independent sample t-test, Multi-way ANOVA, and Pearson product-moment correlation. Research results are shown as follows: The differences among service quality, brand image and customer loyalty for different independent variable consumers demonstrate partial significance. And for the result of correlation analysis among service quality, brand image and customer loyalty, only the relationship between service quality and brand image appeard positively correlatied, while the relationship of customer loyalty to service quality and brand image appears non-correlative. This result indicates that the higher service quality, the higher brand image will reflect on specialty coffee shops, but simultaneously expressed no correlation with customer loyalty. Therefore, this study suggests that specialty coffee shops should endeavor to keep service quality satisfactory and push promotion activities continuously, further to reinforce the molding of brand image for increasing the re-purchase intention of consumers.


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