  • 學位論文


The Influence of Brand Relationship,Purchase Cost and Social Cues in Chick-in Messages on Purchase Decision

指導教授 : 田祖武


臉書是目前全世界盛行的社群網路之一,在台灣用戶的使用人數則為每個月登入人數超過一千五百萬人次,自然成為網路行銷中最常使用的行銷方式,如何能使用臉書打卡達到最低廉成本最高效益是現在許多行銷者的課題。本研究分析品牌關係、社會線索、購買成本常見因素對於按讚、留言、以及廣告效益影響力的差異,發現以下結論: 一、打卡內容中,以品牌關係對於消費者按讚、留言、以及廣告效益影響力最大。 二、品牌關係為長期顧客最重視之因素,購買成本為短期消費者最重視之因素。 三、打卡內容中社會線索訊息影響力視有無標籤、提及閱聽者決定其正向影響購買決策之效力。


Facebook is currently one of the most popular social networks in the world. In Taiwan, users login more than fifteen million times per month. It reveals that Facebook is the most common media in current internet marketing. Using check-in messages to cost down and to make maximum efficiency is the biggest lesson to the marketers. In this study, we analyzed brand relationship, social cues, and purchase cost as common factors of pressing “like”, leaving messages, and advertising effectiveness. Our conclusions are as below: 1. By analyzing check-in messages, we found brand relationship has its positive crucial influence on pressing “like”, leaving messages, and advertising effectiveness. 2. Brand relationship is the most important factor for long-term customers, while purchase cost is the most important factor for the short-term customers. 3. In check-in messages, we found the influence of social cues depends on the tags or the persons mentioned in the messages, which are also consequential to purchase decisions.


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