  • 學位論文


The Study on the Challenge and Preventive Strategies of Investigation into Illegal Fund-raising Crimes in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李樑堅 鄧穎懋


現今,由於犯罪型態多元且司法單位人力不足,使得司法犯罪問題面臨更嚴峻的挑戰。而如何從制度面、法律面、社會面等面向加以探討研究,以降低各類型犯罪的發生率,是研究生二十幾年來從事貪瀆、經濟犯罪、毒品等案件偵辦常思考問題。 特就2012、2013年承辦億迪發創富分紅計畫、WSD Fund外匯金融投資計畫等 2件非法吸金案例提出作為研究素材,探討現今非法吸金案件何以無法根絕及如何從制度面、法律面、社會面等構面透過文獻分析法及專家深度訪談等來研究遏止非法吸金案發生,是本研究主要目的。 研究後發現根絕非法吸金案件,必須從金融監理機關權責管理及防制宣導、司法單位提昇偵辦技巧及速審速結等多方面著手,建立「反非法吸金查詢、檢舉專線」解決資訊不對稱,預防非法吸金案件發生,並擴大落實非法吸金案件犯罪所得沒收及追徵,使犯罪者無法享受犯罪所得而減少犯罪誘因。


非法吸金 億迪發


There are more challenges on the issues of judicial crimes due to the diversified crime pattern and the insufficient judicial unit’s manpower at the present time. The thoughts of decreasing the incidence of crime from the analysis of institutional, legislative and social aspects have always came to my mind for the past two decades when I was investigating the crimes of corruption, economic and drugs. The purpose of this study was to explore the reasons why the illegal fund-raising cannot be eliminated by analyzing two case studies: the case of the EDF’s wealth dividend plan and the case of the WSD Fund’s foreign exchange financial investment plan. Furthermore, I employed the methods of literature analysis and in-depth expert interviews to analyze how the occurrence of illegal fund-raising can be prevented by considering the institutional, legislative and social aspects. According to the study, setting the legal specifications of endowing rights and defining responsibilities of financial institutions, planning social education promotion, enhancing investigation skills and ensuring speedy trial in criminal cases can eradicate fundraising fraud more effectively. The lack of motivation to commit crime can be performed by setting up hotline to offer support for anti-fundraising and expanding the power of confiscation so that the offenders are not allowed to keep the proceeds of crime.


illegal fund-raising EDF WSD Fund


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