  • 學位論文


A Study of Promoting Spectator Motivations of Professional Baseball on Site: A Case of Chinese Professional Baseball League

指導教授 : 張寧


棒球這項運動,在台灣的歷史已有百餘年的歷史,從一開始只有三級以及成人棒球的規模,發展至有兩個職業聯盟在維持賽事的進行,雖然當時發生職棒簽賭案及聯盟間的互相惡鬥,讓民眾失去對這項運動的信心,但依然有一群熱愛棒球的人與球員,合併新的聯盟,努力改變棒球界的歪風以及透過國際賽的成績證明自己的實力,來重新吸引民眾對這項運動的關注。時至今日的職業棒球運動,雖然球隊數量不多,但因為各球團的用心經營,已經發展出不一樣的場邊加油方式、更多樣化的場邊活動或是球員周邊商品,這都是為了要吸引民眾持續購票入場觀賞球賽。但是,在對戰組合重複性高的狀況下,該如何維持穩定的觀眾入場數,甚至是能不能讓入場人數再往上提升,提高收益,是球團與聯盟一直在追求的。 本研究設計分為兩階段,先以主觀態度問卷調查影響購票入場觀賞球賽因素的外顯重視程度,受測者為不論是否曾經進場看球的民眾。將主觀態度問卷的題項依照因素分析,歸納出球場硬體設施與環境、啦啦隊表現、球團提供的服務、商品與球票價格等四個構面做為社會判斷理論(Social Judgment Theory, SJT)問卷的線索,再行第二階段之社會判斷理論問卷,調查出對購票進場觀賞球賽內隱的權重認知,探討各群體之判斷對策與認知衝突的成因。成果包含受測者內心對各項線索的權重值與函數圖形。 研究成果方面,主觀態度問卷顯示,男性較認為知識、硬體設施品質以及觀賞體驗品質,會影響入場意願;年輕的族群較在意服務、品牌認知;平均單季入場次數10次以下之民眾較在意價格;關注棒球1年以下以及1-20年族群較在意與棒球有關知識;有固定支持的球隊的族群較在意服務、品牌認知、觀賞體驗品質。SJT問卷之調查結果則顯示,以全體民眾來說,絕大多數受測者對四項線索都呈現出線索強度越強,入場觀賞職棒比賽意願越高的正相關,且以球場硬體設施與環境的權重最高,再來為球團提供的服務、啦啦隊表現、商品與球票價格。以不同人口統計變項的區分來看,年長族群與非學生族群較認為硬體設施與環境會影響入場意願,年輕族群與學生族群較在意啦啦隊是否能有效炒熱現場氣氛,會影響到他們的入場意願。 本研究最後依據研究成果,提出對球場硬體設施與環境、啦啦隊表現、球團提供的服務、商品與球票價格以及如何讓民眾更了解棒球與球隊的建議,提供聯盟或球團作為行銷之實務參考。


Baseball has a history of more than a hundred years in Taiwan. At the beginning, it was only a normal level and the scale of adult baseball. Later, it developed into two professional leagues to maintain the competition, although there were professional baseball gambling cases and leagues at the time. The struggle between each other has caused the public to lose confidence in the sport, but there are still a group of people and players who love baseball, merging new leagues, working hard to change the bad habits of the baseball world and prove their strength through the results of international games. Re-attract the public's attention to this sport. Today’s professional baseball sports, although the number of teams is small, because of the careful management of the various teams, different sideline refueling methods, more diversified sideline activities or player peripheral products have been developed. These are all In order to attract people to continue to buy tickets to watch the game. However, under the condition of high repetition of the battle combination, how to maintain a stable number of spectators, and even whether to increase the number of visitors, and increase revenue, is what the team and the league have been pursuing. The design of this research is divided into two stages. First, the subjective attitude questionnaire surveys the apparent importance of the factors that affect the purchase of tickets to watch the football game. The testees are people who have watched the game whether or not they have entered the stadium. According to factor analysis, the subjective attitude questionnaire items are summarized as the four dimensions of stadium hardware facilities and environment, cheerleading performance, services provided by the team, goods and ticket prices as the social judgment theory (Social Judgment Theory, SJT). The clues of the questionnaire, and then conduct the second stage of the social judgment theory questionnaire to investigate the inherent weight cognition of buying tickets to enter the game, and study the reasons for the judgment countermeasures and cognitive conflicts of each group. The results include the weights and function graphs of the testees' hearts for various clues. In the research results, the subjective attitude questionnaire shows that men believe that knowledge, physical facilities quality, and viewing experience quality will affect their willingness to enter; young people care about service and brand recognition; people who enter less than 10 times in a single season are more concerned about price ; People who pay attention to baseball for less than one year and 1-20 years are more concerned about baseball-related knowledge; people who have a fixed support team are more concerned about the quality of service, brand recognition, and viewing experience. The survey results of the SJT questionnaire showed that, for the entire population, most of the subjects showed a positive correlation between the stronger the clue intensity and the higher the willingness to watch professional baseball games in the four cues. The environment has the highest weight, followed by the services provided by the team, cheerleading performance, goods and ticket prices. Judging from the distinction of different demographic variables, the older and non-student groups think that hardware facilities and the environment will affect their willingness to enter the venue, while the younger and student groups are more concerned about whether cheerleaders can effectively drive the atmosphere of the scene and will affect them. Willingness to enter. Based on the results of the study, the paper puts forward suggestions on the hardware and environment of the stadium, cheerleading performance, the services provided by the club, the prices of googs and tickets, and how to make the public more aware of baseball and the team as the reference to league or pellet for future marketing practice.


一. 中文部分
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Ranjay Gulati, Anthony J.& Mayo & Nitin Nohria.(2016)。管理學(楊舒蜜、張文賢譯)。台北市:東華。(原著出版年:2013)
中央社(2019年3月13)。從傳統打鼓到電子應援球迷熱情歷時不變。TVBS News,檢自:https://news.tvbs.com.tw/inter-news/1097858
