  • 學位論文


Impact Study of Post Epidemic Era of COVID-19 on Tourism Industry

指導教授 : 劉振隆


本研究主要探討COVID-19冠狀病毒在後疫情時代對旅遊產業之影響,在這裡使用了視覺分析裡的RStudio與Weka以及資料探勘中的Hierarchical與K-means分群技術來做資料的分析與探討。目前疫情的侵襲與擴散下已導致一連串的問題,如經濟造成了公司經營、旅遊產業、貨運等業績大幅度衰退。在本研究分析中全球疫情確診數是明顯的上升,死亡率也是明顯的增加,然而在這些資料中,一些產業別也呈現了疫情商機,如在無法出國的情況下航運業採取因應的對策,而在遠距教學的當下如筆電、耳機與視訊設備等上課用品的高度需求,甚至是在家娛樂的遊戲軟硬體熱賣等。在本研究中除了探討觀光人數外,也同時探討疫情促使國內觀光的人數。這些都是本研究中可以去探討的資訊。在本研究顯示的結果為下: 1.因疫情而導致經濟的癱瘓、航空班次的縮減以及石油的股票的重挫,由此可見,COVID-19病毒的襲擊不僅僅造成了生活上的不便外,同時所有行業以及經濟方面都是連動性的。 2.疫情的死亡人數都是持續上升的狀況,也有不少人獲得醫療照顧而康復,現階段數據顯示因疫情而導致死亡的人大多數人都存在有慢性疾病,由此可見,這個病毒是很特殊的,它會攻擊人類最弱的地方,進而導致人體的組織快速衰敗。 3.在這次疫情中不難看出政府的處事態度,因之前美國白宮與的聯邦政府危機處理方式不積極,進而導致疫情快速地擴散,反觀在台灣政府採取一致性的政策,疾管局遇到此疫情危機時是積極做疫調宣導來正面面對以及解決,相信未來疫情就可以控制的很好。 4.因疫情導致國人無法出國旅遊的狀況下,政府想到國內旅遊與泡泡旅遊等有效的解決方案,且同時在2020年第三季起到2021年第一季帶動了台灣本土的觀光人潮。


This research mainly discusses the impact of the COVID-19 coronavirus on the tourism industry in the post-epidemic era. Here, RStudio and Weka in data visualization analysis and Hierarchical and K-means clustering techniques in data exploration are used for data analysis and result presentation. The current invasion and spread of the epidemic has caused a series of problems. For example, the economy has caused a significant decline in the performance of company operations, tourism, and freight industries. In the analysis of this study, the number of confirmed cases of the global epidemic has increased significantly, and the mortality rate has also increased significantly too. However, in these analyzed data, some industries also find out epidemic business opportunities, such as the shipping industry taking countermeasures when people cannot travel abroad. In the period of current long-distance teaching, there are high demands for classroom supplies such as laptops, headphones and video equipment, and even hardware and software of games for home entertainment are hot. The thesis will only focus to the impact study of post epidemic era of COVID-19 on tourism industry. The analyzed results shown in this study are as follows: A.The paralysis of the economy due to the epidemic, the reduction of airline flights, and the plummet of oil stocks show that the COVID-19 virus attack not only caused inconveniences in life, but also in all industries and national economic aspects. B.The death number suffered from the epidemic is always on the rise, and many people have also received medical care and recovered from their illness. The statistical data at this epidemic period show that most of the people who died due to the epidemic have chronic diseases. It can be seen that this virus is very special. It will attack the weakest respiratory system of human beings, which will lead to rapid deterioration of human tissues. C.It is obviously to see the government's attitude to this COVID-19 epidemic. Since the US White House and the federal government did not actively handle the crisis at the beginning of epidemic, therefore, the numbers of confirmed deaths cases dramatically spread. On the other hand, the government of Taiwan adopts a consistent policy, and the CDC of Taiwan is active to handle the crisis. We believe that the epidemic of COVID-19 is dealt with and resolved head-on, the epidemic will be well controlled. D.Due to the situation that Taiwanese people cannot travel abroad due to the epidemic, the government has thought of effective solutions such as domestic travel and bubble travel, and at the same time, it has driven the tourist crowds in Taiwan in the third quarter of 2020 to the first quarter of 2021.


一、 中文文獻
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