  • 學位論文


Leisure Behavior of Japanese-style Karaoke in Taiwan — A Case Study of Interpretation of Colonial Memories of Six Elders Familiar with Japanese Culture

指導教授 : 蔡振昌


本研究在於深度研究出生於日治時期,80歲以上的六位『親日』長者,選擇參與『日式卡拉OK』作為休閒活動後,在身心上獲得滿足與效益性。本研究採質性深度訪談法,以引導式的訪談法作為研究工具,讓受訪者以輕鬆說故事方式完成訪談。 本研究作者經過長期的田野式參與觀察法經整理分析後,以殖民記憶為理論基礎,透過訪談整理出教育殖民記憶、工作殖民記憶、生活與情感殖民記憶、戰爭殖民記憶等,做為推論參與日式卡拉OK休閒選擇的原因。第二部份是透過訪談瞭解長者參與日式卡拉OK休閒的效益,包括生理效益、社交效益、放鬆效益、教育效益、心理效益、美學效益以及本研究作者在研究過程中所發現的『修為效益』作為理論貢獻。本研究結果提供了一些理論與實務的貢獻與建議。


The purpose of the study was to research profoundly into contentment and benefits of leisure activities among elders born in the Japanese rule period who chose to sing in a Japanese-style karaoke. The researcher adopted qualitative in-depth interview and used guided interview as the research tool to make the interviewees tell their stories in an easy way. The researcher participated in the long-term field study and analyzed the collected data based on the colonial memories. In addition, the researcher found and inferred from the interviews that the memories of colonial education, memories of colonial work, memories of colonial life and affection, and memories of colonial war were the reasons why the elders chose Japanese-style karaoke as their leisure activities. The second part of the study was to know the benefits of leisure activities gained by the elders who enjoyed singing at a Japanese-style karaoke. There were physiological benefits, social benefits, benefits of relaxation, benefits of education, psychological benefits and aesthetic benefits included in the study. The study has some theoretical and practical contributions.


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