  • 學位論文


Blockchain Application in Electronic Medical Records Planning

指導教授 : 楊吳泉


區塊鏈特性中不可竄改、數位簽章與講求共識,對於醫院系統規範來說非常適合,創建病歷應有的條件如:何時何地何人創建等資料有效性以及病例分享等需求,因此利用區塊鏈作醫療資訊系統的輔助角色是非常合適的。 區塊鏈系統Hyperledger Fabric很適合用於電子病歷,本論文探討藉由Hyperledger Fabric特性設計電子病歷系統:背書策略、Chaincode設置、Channel特性等,做為系統開發的底層,背書策略中需要透過設置節點的驗證來授權交易才可成立,對於電子病歷的閱覽特性,Fabric的共識機制相通適合做為系統的底層,不同於其他區塊鏈系統架構,只需授權即可執行交易,因此期望透過Fabric來改善醫療資訊交流情況。


區塊鏈 電子病歷


Blockchain characteristics, such as cannot be modified, digital signatures and consensus, is very suitable for hospital system specifications. T The important considerations of creating medical records such as, Data availability and sharing (e.g. when, where, who created it and how to use it), therefore blockchain is useful for the medical information systems. In our study, Hyperledger Fabric blockchain system is especially suitable for electronic medical records. In this thesis, we illustrate how to create electronic medical record by using Hyperledger Fabric: endorsement strategy, chaincode setting, Channel feature, etc. In system foundation, the endorsement strategy is establishing by setting the node verification then set authorization to receiver. In order to read electronic medical records, the characteristic of consensus mechanism is also suitable for the system. Different from the general blockchain systems, Hyperledger Fabric only requires authorization to execute transactions. Therefore, we hope the study can improve the transaction of medical record.


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