  • 學位論文


A Case Study on Office Table Design and Layouts

指導教授 : 周志榮
共同指導教授 : 林迪意(Dyi-Yih Lin)


商辦空間為企業相關工作成員之主要工作場域,其辦公空間內的動線、環境照明、格局分布,對工作效率的好壞及企業管理有一定程度的影響。一個理想的商業空間裡面,涵蓋了多種不同性質的業務處理部門,透由個案公司實際案例分析設計出符合機能需求又能改善流程動線的辦公傢俱,為本次研究的探討重點。 經濟合作暨發展組織(OECD)在2015年公佈的全球38國2015年工作時數調查,發現與2014年相較之下,日韓年度工作時數皆為下修,而台灣勞動人員全年加總工作時數約為2150小時,遠遠高於經濟合作暨發展組織所公佈的平均工作時數1800小時。依上述總工作時數換算之下,台灣上班族扣除全年例假日123天,則每天約有8.8個小時待在辦公室裡,再加上公司業務日益繁重,相關設備與機能較偏向簡易的工作站堪用型態已不符合業務所需,設施安排與工作站機能亦不符合使用原則與合理性;再者,辦公室不再是單一而冷淡的工作環境,而是強調以人為出發點,讓工作環境變得更人性、更舒適,提升人與人之間的互動及協作,透由工作站的重新定義與安排,間接影響及提升工作效率與信息交流。本研究將嘗試以產業對辦公室的實際需求,通用設計原則(Universaldesign)與型態分析法(Morphologicalanalysis),再透由專家評價法來篩選出可能的元素,並設計較能符合使用者需求的辦公桌,搭配整體空間配置與動線規劃,提升辦公整體的工作效率及協作品質。


Offices are the main working place for the employees, so the traffic flow、lights and spaces effect the work efficiency a lot. An ideal office includes different departments, how to design the functional and improve the traffic flow furniture through analyzing the company are the main purpose for this thesis. The OECD investigation in 2015 from 38 countries tells that comparing with 2014, the working hours in Japanese and Korea is decreasing; but the working hours in Taiwan are 2150 hours, this result are higher than the average working hours(1,800 hours) from OECD. As I mention, the officers in Taiwan stay in the office for 8.8 hours every day except the 123 holidays; the working burden is increasing day by day, so the equipment and simple functional working space are out of needs, the facilities arrangements and working spaces are not suitable. Besides, offices are not the simple and chilly working environments, it emphasize for human, the working environment are more humanize、more comfortable, raising up the working efficiency people interactions and cooperation. Through redefining the working space and rearrangements, it effects working efficiency and the communication between people. This thesis will try to use Universal design and Morphological analysis and experts grading methods to sift through the possible elements and design more useful office desks for the users to match integral space environment arrangement and the traffic flows to raise up the working efficiency and cooperating quality.


