  • 學位論文


Organic Products Competitive Analysis - A Case Study of Taiwan Sugar Corporation

指導教授 : 吳傳春


據有機農業全球資訊網在2013年發佈消息指出,台灣有機耕地至2002年為止已超過1,019公頃,至2012年為止亦超過5,850公頃,10年間成長近5倍。由此顯示,台灣有機農產品的需求正在快速提升、消費有機農產品的人數增加。 台糖公司有機事業區分為有機米、有機蔬果、有機肥料等區塊,自營有機米生產專區129.6公頃(分佈雲林、屏東、花蓮及台東等縣市)、有機蔬菜專區36公頃(分佈台中、雲林、屏東、台南及高雄等縣市),另103年將開闢官田有機生產園區7.02公頃。有機農產品年營業額約1億4千萬左右,透過台糖自營銷售據點、經銷公司的合作、通路商合作等方式行銷。 本研究係以台糖公司有機業務為研究對象,透過五力分析(Porter's Five Forces Analysis)與SWOT分析(Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)等產業分析方法,針對台糖有機事業所面臨外部環境的機會與威脅與其內部經營的優勢與劣勢進行分析及評價。 本研究結果顯示,台糖經營有機農業的利基,在於公司自有農場幅員廣闊,有足夠的條件作好隔離帶,不受鄰地的影響或污染;人力、技術及設備具有優勢;公司資本額近5百多億,財務健全。研究建議台糖有機業務經營策略:1.擴大生產面積,達經濟規模效益。2.提高市場滲透率。3.有機產品開發及品項多樣化,供消費者多重選擇。4.整合公司資源,使資源能發揮最大效益。5.品牌管理。6.善盡國營企業責任。藉以提升台糖公司有機業務之競爭力。


According to Organic Agriculture WWW announced in 2013 pointed out that Taiwan organic farmland to 2002 so far has more than 1,019 hectares in 2012 to more than 5,850 hectares have so far, 10 years to grow nearly five-fold. Thus, demand for organic agricultural products in Taiwan is rapidly improving, increasing the number of consumption of organic products. Taiwan Sugar organic business area is divided into organic rice, organic fruits and vegetables, organic fertilizer, such as blocks, self-organic rice production area 129.6 ha (distribution Yunlin, Pingtung, Hualien and Taitung counties), organic vegetable area 36 hectares (distribution Taichung , Yunlin, Pingtung, Tainan and Kaohsiung counties), and the other 103 will open guantian Park 7.02 hectares of organic production. Organic produce annual turnover of about 140 million or so,TSC stronghold through direct sales, distribution company co-marketing distributors and other ways of cooperation. This study is based on the study of TSC's organic business through five forces analysis (Porter's Five Forces Analysis) SWOT analysis and opportunity (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis methods, such as industry, organic cause for the TSC and the external environment faced by threat to its internal strengths and weaknesses of operations carried out analysis and evaluation. The results of this study show that TSC operates niche organic agriculture, farm lies in the company's own vast, there are sufficient conditions for possible isolation zone, without affecting neighboring land or contamination; manpower, technology and equipment advantages; company capital nearly five more than ten billion, financially sound. TSC studies suggest organic business strategy: 1.expansion of production area of economies of scale. 2.Increase market penetration. 3.items organic product development and diversification, multiple choice for consumers. 4.Integration of corporate resources, so that resources to maximize efficiency. 5.brand management. 6.state-owned enterprises to fulfill the responsibility. To enhance the competitiveness of Taiwan Sugar Corporation organic business.


1、Barney (1991): "Firm resources andsustained competitive advantage"。
3、Michael Porter(1990):The Competitive Advantage of Nations。
