  • 學位論文


Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine Vaccination Rate Discussion-A Case Study in Southern Taiwan

指導教授 : 楊智育


依據世界衛生組織的數據顯示,子宮頸癌是造成全球女性癌症死亡的第二大死因,每年全球子宮頸癌的病例超過五十萬,其中約有二十八萬名病患死亡。在台灣,根據2015年最新癌症發生資料顯示,子宮頸癌在女性癌症發生率及死亡率皆排名為第七。癌症的處理透過公共衛生之三段五級預防,一直以來早期發現、早期治療是最根本的原則,透過目前普及30歲以上定期抹片檢查,已經大幅度降低子宮頸癌發生率及死亡率。子宮頸癌目前是唯一可透過疫苗進行預防的癌症,除了透過抹片檢查早期發現並治療,若是能夠加上提倡人類乳突病毒疫苗施打預防子宮頸癌,更能降低子宮頸癌的發生以造福全球的婦女同胞。因此,本研究目的探討子宮頸癌疾病認知與疫苗接種及人口變項與子宮頸癌疾病認知、疫苗接種之相關性,來提高疫苗接種率,研究以問卷調查的方式進行,針對雲林、台南、高雄地區六間婦產科診所219位就診女性調查,結果顯示:(1)知識量表中子宮頸癌危險知識得分、人類乳突病毒知識得分越高,接種疫苗比例也越高;(2) 年齡、年薪與疫苗接種有相關性;(3)人類乳突病毒疫苗訊息來源以醫療院所最多,其次是電視新聞/廣告、報紙/雜誌/書籍;(4)已接種女性表示會接種疫苗之原因以害怕得到子宮頸癌最多,其次是疫苗可以預防子宮頸癌、醫護人員建議;(5)未接種女性表示未接種疫苗之原因以害怕疫苗副作用最多,其次太忙沒有時間。


Cervical cancer is the second main cause of women cancer death worldwide according to World Health Organization data. Cervical cancer cases each year in the world are over half a million, of which about two hundred and eighty thousand patients died. Cervical cancer was also the seventh female cancer incidence, and the seventh mortality cause in Taiwan in 2015 according to the latest data. Treatment of cancer through three sections of five prevention of public health, has been early detection. And early treatment is the most fundamental principles through the current popularity over the age of 30 regularly smear which has significantly reduced cervical cancer incidence and mortality. Cervical cancer is currently the only cancer which could be prevented through vaccination, and it would be early detected and treated through a Pap smear. Moreover HPV vasscines can reduce the incidence of cervical cancer and offer benefit of the world's women compatriots if advocates HPV vaccines administered to fight to prevent cervical cancer. Therefore the purpose of this study is to investigate the connection between cervical cancer disease awareness and vaccination and population variables and disease awareness of cervical cancer,so that the vaccination of relevance will improve vaccination coverage. In this study the questionnaire for 219 women visits from six maternity units in Yunlin, Taina,and Kaohsiung showed that: (1) knowledge scale score neutron risk of cervical cancer knowledge, knowledge of human papillomavirus higher score, the higher the proportion of vaccinated; (2 ) age, salary and vaccination correlated; (3) HPV vaccines message source mainly from medical institutions, followed by TV news, advertisement, newspapers, magazines and books; (4) women who have been vaccinated indicated that they would be vaccinated the reason to be afraid to get cervical cancer, followed by a vaccine to prevent cervical cancer, medical recommendations; (5) women who haven’t been vaccinated indicated that the main reason not to be vaccinated is that theu are afraid of the side effects of the vaccine, and then becaused they are too busy.


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