  • 學位論文


The Business Diagnosis of Kitchenware Enterprise - The Case of T Company

指導教授 : 林煥章


企業經營者常常需隨著產業環境的變化而調整經營策略,但是如何調整、為何調整,需要對企業本身有充分的了解後才能下正確決策。國內廚具產業持續面臨經濟景氣低迷、削價競爭的挑戰。本研究嘗試對屬於廚具產業的T公司個案進行經營診斷分析以為後續改善決策之依據。雖然T公司過去三十年經營尚稱平穩,但是所謂知彼知己百戰不殆,企業面臨挑戰,需時時有危機意識,以確保企業能持續經營。 本研究透過文獻探索法、問卷法、及訪談法,訪談T公司三位高階經理人,蒐集相關經營資料後進行分析,探索個案公司在一般性事項、生產事項、推銷事項、會計控制事項的經營優劣。 經本研究之經營診斷,發現T公司以下經營缺失,如:公司策略規劃的方向無法達到全體共識;徵才標準不均,易造成職位不適任;生產管理無制度化;品管控制不足;產品缺乏開發與改良,對市場需求不了解。本研究也根據這些缺失提出解決方案做為後續經營策略之參考。


A company manager needs to monitor the business environment continuously and adjusts its business strategic accordingly, however, how and why would the company be adjusted should be based on a thorough understanding of the strength and weakness of the company. Taiwan’s kitchen industry is continuously facing the challenge of economic depression and price competition. T company is one of them, therefore, this study tries to undergo a business diagnosis for T company for the future improvement planning. To know the enemy and to know oneself is the guarantee of non-defeated in a competition, though T company has a history more than thirty years, it would be better to have the crisis awareness in mind for managing a company. This study through the literature review, questionnaire and take an interview with three higher managers of the case company to gather the company’s business information. For business diagnosis purpose, the information includes general management, production management, marketing management, and accounting management. This study found that the case company may have the weaknesses need to be improved and concluded as follows: there has no consensus on the company strategy; no standard on the recruitment and therefore it occurs human resource misallocation; no well-established standard for production management; lower quality control capacity; lack of product development and improvement capacity; and lack of the knowledge of consumer requirement. Finally, this study also suggests possible improvement strategies for the case company.


Harrison, Arie Shirom (1999),Organizational diagnosis and assessment :bridging theory and practice, Thousand Oaks, Calif. :Sage Publications。
