  • 學位論文


Analysis and Research on the Introduction of Traditional Industry Smart Manufacturing Technology

指導教授 : 林煥章


國內為因應產業升級轉變、永續發展,2017年行政院「智慧機械產業推動方案」推動產業善用智慧機械及資通訊產業優勢,加速產業供應鏈智慧化,以減緩勞動人口結構變遷壓力、加速人力資本累積,同時創新產業生產流程並大幅提高生產力。為探討傳統產業導入智慧製造技術之現況與未來規劃,以提供政策制定與輔導資源投入之參考,本研究以南部臨海工業區之傳統產業為研究對象,進行傳產製造業發展「智慧製造」營運模式之調查研究。 本研究以問卷及訪廠面談方式進行,問卷主要以生產自動化、管理資訊系統、大數據分析、生產設備物聯網、產品物聯網等五大類別智慧製造相關技術進行調查。然後利用敘述性統計結合訪問資料進行探討。 調研結果顯示,廠商以中小型企業居多,雖然各別廠商導入智慧製造技術的項目與進程不同,但總體而言,雖有各類別軟硬體建置,但絕大部分並未真正提昇到智慧製造的範疇,還欠缺智慧製造的系統化管理思維。目前受調研各廠商所建置的ERP系統或自動化系統等,僅能歸類於工業2.0或工業3.0的水準,因為各廠商對於製造活動所產生各資訊數據,可能數位化不完全,也可能整合性不足,對於數據資訊也缺乏智能化的能力,尤其在人力資源方面,多數中小企業缺乏智慧製造的人才。智慧製造不僅在軟硬體技術能力之建置,更需要有正確的管理思維引導。本研究可提供國內傳產製造業在邁入智慧製造時各種主客觀條件與經營現況,作為協助投入相關研究或經營管理資源之決策參考。


The domestic industries are facing the tremendous environmental changing and the upgrading pressures for continuing development and struggling for survival in the future. In order to rapid upgrading for the smart manufacturing, release the pressure of lacking labor forces, and build solidified human resources for a future challenge, then, to innovate the production processes and to increase the productivity and competitiveness, the Executive Yuan proposed the Smart Machinery Program in 2017 for leveraging the strengths of smart machine and the information and computer technology to the industries. For the purpose of the industry policy development and allocating the industrial resources properly, this study, targeting at the traditional industry in the industrial zone in southern Taiwan,surveyed the current statuses and the near future strategical plans of companies adopting the related Smart Manufacturing technologies. A questionnaire and along with face to face interview method was used to investigate the companies’ statuses of adopting the related smart manufacturing technologies. The surveyed technologies, including production automation,management information system, big data analysis system, internet over things of production equipment, internet over things about the products. The results show, the most of the companies are middle to small scale enterprises. Though the statuses of implementing smart manufacturing technologies (software or hardware) differ from company to company, there are not upgrading to smart manufacturing yet. Especially, those companies are not well aware of what is smart manufacturing and what is the benefit and the possible impact. The company may have installed some management information system or have different level production automation, but it is classified as at industry 2.0 to industry 3.0 level. Most companies may not have enough ability of using and analyzing data; on the other hand, the data acquisition and integration of manufacturing processes are not complete either. Upgrade to a smart manufacturing company is not only related to software and hardware, the most important is the manufacturing management strategy thoughts. Therefore, for most of the surveyed companies, the human resource is a general issue. This study explored and clarified the current status and the issues of traditional company upgrading to a smart manufacturing company, the government policy and the industry resources are suggested to provide their help to cope with those issues.


朱海成著(2016),2017管理資訊系統 (初版),台灣:碁峰資訊。
行政院(2015),行政院生產力 4.0 發展方案,行政院科技會報。
