  • 學位論文


Action Narrative Inquiry of Featured Curriculum Development:Information Technology Integrated Implementation of Local Geographic Education

指導教授 : 林建宏


因應時代變遷,教育變革勢在必行,103年施行的十二年國民基本教育將於108年實施新課綱。為了落實全人教育、適性揚才的理念,總綱在課程規劃上最大的差異莫過於減少部定的必修課程,增加校定必修、多元選修課及加深加廣選修課等課程,同時強調彈性時間、實作探索體驗及跨領域學科專題等選修的課程規劃。整體來說,新課綱的課程改革是提供學生具選擇性、多樣化的課程選擇,但另一方面卻考驗教師課程設計與教學能力等專業能力。 本研究旨透過行動敘說研究高中基層教師因應國家教育政策變革,如何產出特色選修課程。因此研究範圍包含選修課程實施前的課程規劃設計、教學過程中的教學策略運用,以及實際教學過程中面臨的問題與困難,冀望提供未來社會科在特色選修課程開發設計的參考與修正範例,同時透過教學過程的實踐與反思,達到教師自我增能的效果。研究最後結論有三,首先,資訊融入鄉土地理教學課程設計有效整合歷史、地理學科,尤其在資訊融入社會科教學部份,不同時期影像擷取技術的進步,有利於地景變遷史的認識與研究。其次,除了校內課程發展委員會審核課程綱要,教學過程中舉辦教學觀摩之外,選修課程應建立合理的教師教學評鑑與學生學習成效的評估標準。最後,新課程的實施、教學策略運用除了教師專業增能的支援系統,學校行政的支持配合,更有賴於教師、學生、家長、學校對教與學信念的轉化。


In view of the change of the times, educational reform is imperative. 12-year compulsory education carried out in 2014 will implement new curriculum in 2019. In order to put the holistic education and the concept of adaptability into practice, the biggest difference in curriculum planning is to reduce the periods of compulsory courses required by the education ministry, to increase the school-based compulsory courses, the diversified elective courses while emphasizing the alternative learning periods, practical exploration experience and interdisciplinary courses. On the whole, the reform of the new curriculum is to provide students with the access of selective and diversified curricula. On the other hand, the new curriculum will test teachers’ professional ability in curriculum design and teaching. The purpose of this study is to see how senior high school teachers come up with distinctive elective courses in response to the reform of the educational policy through action narrative inquiry. Therefore, the research involves curriculum planning before the implementation of the elective courses, the application of teaching strategies in the process of teaching and the problems and difficulties in the teaching process so as to provide sociological teachers with references and modification for the development and design of the elective courses in the future. Meanwhile, through the practice and reflection in the process of teaching, it will offer teachers an opportunity for advancement. First of all, the findings of the research indicate that the diffusion of information technology into local geography instructions effectively integrates history with geography. Thanks to the advancement of image technology, it facilitates the knowledge and research on the history of landscape transformation. Second, in addition to the curriculum guidelines examined by the committee of school curriculum development and the teaching demonstration, reasonable criteria on teaching evaluation and students’ academic achievement should be set up. Last, for the implementation of new curriculum, apart from the support system for teachers’ professional advancement and the cooperation from administration, it relies more on the transformation in the belief in teaching and learning for teachers, students, parents and school.


