  • 學位論文


Effects of Neighborhood Environments on Social Participation and Quality of Life among Older People

指導教授 : 羅英瑛


研究背景與目的:受到高等教育和思想啟蒙影響,中高齡族群期望可以在熟悉的環境健康老化,這突顯了在地老化和活躍老化的重要性,因此本研究的目的是探討中高齡者在現有的鄰里環境下之社會參與頻率和生活品質程度,並探討社會參與對鄰里環境和生活品質的中介效果。 研究方法:研究對象以45歲以上之中高齡者為主。統計分析以SPSS 18.0進行分析,分析方式包括描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Pearson相關分析和階層迴歸分析。 研究結果:1.居住時間越長、鄰里中設施之多樣性越高、社會環境滿意度(包含歸屬感、社會網絡、安全性)越高,社會參與的頻率也會較高。2.社會參與頻率越高,生活品質的程度就越高。3.社會環境滿意度越高,生理、心理、社會範疇之生活品質程度越高,鄰里設施之多樣性越高、鄰里設施之可近性越高,環境範疇之生活品質程度越高。4.社會參與對鄰里設施之多樣性、鄰里設施之可近性、社會環境滿意度與心理、環境範疇之生活品質有部份中介效果。 結論:鄰里環境會影響社會參與頻率,而社會參與的頻率越高,個人生活品質程度也會越好。因此未來在政策發展上,應將鄰里居民的需求、資源提供、環境改善視為共同的問題來討論,將現有鄰里資源整合,提供給鄰里中所有人使用。


Background and purpose: Influenced by higher education and enlightenment in thinking, older people seek healthy aging with dignity and freedom in an environment familiar to them. This highlights the importance of aging in place and active aging. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the frequency of social participation and quality of life among older people in their existing neighborhood environments as well as the mediation effects of social participation on the relationship between neighborhood environments and quality of life. Methods: The subjects of this study were mainly older people aged 45 and above. The statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS 18.0 and methods including descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, single factor analysis of variance, Pearson correlation analysis and hierarchical regression analysis. Results: 1. Extended residence times, greater diversity of neighborhood facilities and greater satisfaction with social environments (including a sense of belonging, social networking and security) led to higher frequency of social participation. 2. Higher frequency of social participation led to higher quality of life. 3. Greater satisfaction with social environments led to higher quality of life in the physiological, psychological and social aspects while greater diversity and approachability of neighborhood facilities led to higher quality of life in the environmental aspect. 4. Social participation had partial mediation effects on the relationship between diversity and approachability of neighborhood facilities and satisfaction with social environments and quality of life in the environmental aspect. Conclusion: Neighborhood environments can affect the frequency of social participation in the way that higher frequency of social participation leads to higher quality of life for individuals. Therefore, policy development in the future should regard needs of neighborhood residents, resource provision and environmental improvement as common issues for discussion and integrate existing neighborhood resources for all the people in the same neighborhoods to use.


李維靈、施建彬、邱翔蘭(2007)。退休老人休閒活動參與及其幸福感之相關研究。 Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences,3(2),27-35。
